We are here, brothers!

Day 891, 04:27 Published in Romania Netherlands by T O LJ A G A
We are here, brothers! / Mi smo ovdje braćo! / Jesteśmy tutaj, bracia! / 我们在这里,兄弟!

English version

Day 890,

A new beginning ... hardly wakeing, early in the morning .... and i wonder, as always: "Whereto today?" It's a late spring. I look towards the East as the sun slowly appears on the horizon, trying to warm white dawn after a very cold night. It's quiet ... too quiet ... i am looking for a moment, still, the sun ... seems more than ever to be stuck over the horizon ... and suddenly I feel like I should make a discreet sign saying: "Come, go to the east ... have to go to the east .... " And my sick mind or my imagination playing tricks, I say ... out of state fail to melancholy when suddenly I hear a serious voice: "Today we go away from home, in Asia, to free Heilongjiang, to help China, our ally! "

We do not stay too much thinking ... here every second of life should be lived to the maximum intensity is a gift from God. The order to take off, as soon as posible, to Heilongjiang, makes my blood moving fast. We follow the route to Singapore for refueling and why not, for a first impact with another world, another civilization ... we land in Heilongjiang ... cold, gloomy skies, waters of Amur can be seen in the distance ... muddy .. cloudy day, no sunshine, no hope ....

And like all this would not have been enough, we finde out that we're entering the first line. "HOLD FIRE EVERY ONE! Freeze" Time 9:55 GO GO GO!

a true carnage ... succeeded in breaking the enemy's redoubt first ... forwarding with difficulty ... we are becoming less and less ... and when we don't expected more than our last breath of air, the miracle occurs ... "Mi smo ovdje braco" (= here we are brothers !) ... a roar from thousands of throats... I forgot that we have brothers, but such moments, who does not forget? ... from the second line, the Croatian tanks shatter any hope from opponents, allowing us to retire ... what we had done without them? I fail to breath and i see how, the sky of Heilongjiang's, beeing gray anyway, becomes dark ... the Polish Air Force bombing everything standing in way with enemy badge, freeing the path of Croatian armored vehicles...

When I thought everything is under control, from the Amur, russian troops appear, extremely aggressive to repudiate the allied attack, maybe successful if ... a brilliant idea of great strategic significance, was not implemente😛 China's elite army, went into battle on the opposite side of the front, finally annihilating the enemy, no prisoners, slaughtering all ... “Heilongjiang is overwhelmed by the enemy ,the occupation is imminent” - a Russian transmitter becomes loud .... and suddenly, shouts of joy, of liberation ... WE WON! Each enjoys the joy of his language, and yet, the joy have the same language, that of victory!

.. I'm happy myself ...a tear rush down my cheek ... maybe it is from the cold or maybe from the fear I experienced ... today I was Croatian, Polish and Chinese, and them Romanians ... today we were ... eden ...

Romanian version

Ziua 890,

Un nou inceput…trezirea cu greu, dis-de-dimineata.... si ma intreb, ca de obicei: “oare azi incotro?” E o primavara tarzie. Ma uit spre rasarit cum soarele apare incet la orizont, incercand sa incalzeasca zorile albe dupa o noapte destul de rece. E liniste…prea multa liniste… privesc pentru cateva clipe, nemiscat, soarele…parca mai mult ca niciodata sta intepenit dupa orizont…si dintr-o data imi pare ca mi-ar face un semn discret, zican😛 “hai, mergi spre rasarit…trebuie sa mergi spre rasarit…”. Iar mintea mea bolnava sau imaginatia bogata imi joaca feste, imi spun…nu reusesc sa ies din starea melancolica cand dintr-o data aud o voce grava: “Azi vom pleca departe de casa, in Asia, sa eliberam Heilongjiang, sa ne ajutam China aliata!”

Nu stam prea mult pe ganduri…aici fiecare secunda din viata trebuie traita la intensitate maxima, este ca un dar de la Dumnezeu. Ordinul de a decola cat mai repete spre Heilongjiang imi pune sangele in miscare. Urmarim ruta Singapore pentru alimentare si de ce nu, pentru un prim impact cu o alta lume, alta civilizatie…aterizam in Heilongjiang…frig, cer mohorat, apele Amurului se vad in departare..tulburi…urata zi, nici o raza de soare, nici o speranta….

Si cum toate astea n-ar fi fost de-ajuns aflam ca noi vom intra in linia intai. “HOLD FIRE EVERY ONE!NU misca nimeni” Ora 9:55 GO GO GO !!!

un adevarat macel … reusim sa spargem prima reduta a inamicului…inaintam greu…suntem din ce in ce mai putini…si cand nu mai asteptam decat ultima gura de aer, se produce miracolul…”Mi smo ovdje braćo!” (= suntem aici fratilor!) …un strigat din zeci de mii de piepturi…am si uitat ca avem frati, dar in astfel de momente cine nu uita?…din linia a 2a tancurile croate spulbera orice speranta adversa, permitandu-ne sa ne retragem … ce ne-am fi facut fara ei? nu reusesc sa-mi trag sufletul si vad cum, cerul si asa destul de cenusiu al Heilongjiang-ului se innegreste de-a dreptul…aviatia polona, bombardand tot ce avea insemnul advers, “taia drum” blindatelor croate….

Cand credeam ca totul e sub control, dinspre Amur, apar trupele rusesti, extrem de agresive in incearcarea lor de a respinge atacul aliat…poate ar fi reusit daca…o idee sclipitoare, de o mare insemnatate strategica, nu ar fi fost pusa in aplicare: armata de elita a Chinei, a intrat in lupta, pe partea opusa a frontului, anihiland definitiv inamicul…nici un prizonier…macel total…“Heilongjiang este copleşită de inamic, ocupaţia este iminentă” – se aude la un transmitator rusesc.... si dintr-o data, strigate de bucurie, de eliberare…AM INVINS! Fiecare se bucura pe limba lui si totusi bucuria are aceeasi limba, cea a victoriei!

Sunt fericit si eu..o lacrima se grabeste sa coboare pe obraz…poate e din cauza frigului sau a fricii pe care am trait-o…azi, am fost croat, polon si chinez, iar ei, romani…azi am fost… eden