[USA] Musical Chairs and the American Progressive Front.

Day 879, 20:54 Published in USA Pakistan by Max McFarland 2

Citizens of the eUSA,

Would you like some theme music?
~ Imagine

There has been much recent chaos in the top eUSA parties:
1. American Advancement Party. Taken over by S.E.E.S.
2. United States Workers Party. Taken over by internal new wave.
3. Libertarian Party. Safe.
4. Federalist Party. Safe.
5. Democratic Republicans. Taken over by Hungarian movement.
6. Republican Party. Won by Pizza the Hut.
7. United Independents Party. Safe.

There has been much change after the elections:
1. American Progressive Front. Now under control of Max McFarland 2. This party will become a coalition party, joining together the leadership, members and resources of the old American Advancement Party, United States Workers Party, and Democratic Republicans. I shall remain as Party President.
2. United States Workers Party. Now under the control of the leader of the internal new wave. Working to move all leadership, members and resources into the American Progressive Front. Once this happens, we are in talks to hand this in-game party to the S.E.E.S. to foster solid competition in eUSA national politics.
3. L.I.B.S. Same as before.
4. Federalist Party. Same as before.
5. United Independents Party. Moved to the number five position to block out the Hungarian takeover in the Democratic Republicans.

So let's talk about the American Progressive Front:

The old American Advancement Party, United States Workers Party, and Democratic Republicans are about to undertake a major move to transfer all possible leadership, members and resources into the number one party spot.

1. We will be working together to create a strong party combining the best and brightest of the three previous parties.
2. There is still much work to be done, but we plan to pool resources for in-game organizations, probably start fresh from a new forum, probably start fresh from new IRC channels, and probably start fresh from a new party constitution.
3. We shall attempt to evacuate the old United States Workers Party and Democratic Republicans, move over every party member possible to the American Progressive Front, and of course cover our full obligation of candidates and blockers for the congressional elections.
4. During their current period of danger, we shall also assist the UIP in holding enough members and blockers to stay in the top five, in order to secure our nation against the foreign takeover movement.
5. Once all transitions are complete, we should transfer the control over the number two party (old USWP) to S.E.E.S. so they can participate in top five party status.
6. The leadership of the American Progressive Front shall consist of me as Party President, with a Provisional Board of two members from each old party: Emmanuel Cruise and Ballman, Fionia and Stormin, & Angelini and Cromstar.

Clear Instructions for United States Workers Party and Democratic Republicans party members:
1. If the United Independents Party has less then a 200 member lead over the next party, please temporarily join them to defend against Phoenix PTO. This is a matter of national security.
2. Once they are secure, please move to the American Progressive Front. This is our new home.
3. If you want to run for Congress under the American Progressive Front, please contact me, Fionia (old USWP), Ballman (old AAP), or Angelini (old DR).

It is my opinion that these changes build a stronger national political scene for us. There has recently been much change, conflict and controversy. Most of this has been unhealthy for us as a nation, which I do not care for. Change can be constructive if we make it constructive. I shall always remain a strong advocate of the process of creative destruction. It is my intent to take this recent chaos and leverage it to build a much stronger eUSA. We are all of us together stronger then any of us apart. I care for the nation first and always, above and beyond any given party.

Cheers. 😉

Max McFarland 2
Party President, American Progressive Front