1 Year Old, A Retrospective *slightly epic* -updated-

Day 838, 11:12 Published in Ireland Ireland by Teutorix Aleria
Happy Birthday Me

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Humble Beginnings
I started my elife on day 474 of erepublik, it was the 8th of march 2009. I remember little of the occasion, the new citizens message, adding uathaine and mac_talla, a general sense of bewilderment.
Theus Jackus was the president at the time, it seemed like the country was bustling with energy, maybe it was the nativity of a new babyboomer, maybe it really was because of the extreme influx of new citizens.

The Youth
During the following 2 or 3 months I sat in the Dáil, served a term as the deputy minister of communities and made many new friends.
My first dáil term wasnt majorly eventful, I helped Sean Greene whom I respected greatly (I thought he was the bee's knee's) and we modified the supreme court's part in the constitution and tried to get it up and running. I was to be a supreme court justice when it was implemented but it fell apart before it got that far.
I served as deputy minister of communities in June '09 under president Nithraldur and minister of communities Digits with binksy as the junior minister. Digits had great plans for Ireland including a separate IRC for "fun" to keep the core IRC for srs bsns. But the relationship soon fell apart and I left the ministry due to my realisation that Digits was a prude and tried to ban all kinds of cursing and hate speach (rea😛 lulz) form IRC and forums. We went our separate ways and he continued with the ministry work and looking after the kids... wait what? wrong story, nevermind...
During this period I left the IUP and moved to the ISRP to run for congress and made a lot of close eFriends, Starks Hayter, Ian Arbuckle, Theus Jackus, Sean Greene and Binksy are the main ones that come to mind.

Somewhere Between My Youth And Mid-Catatonia
the re founding of the IVF under its original leader BrianBoru. I was placed as Political Head of the organisation and liaison to the ISRP and government, Binksy eventually was appointed as my partner. Mannimarco whom was the operational commander (if my memory serves) also led to the collapse of the organisation along with our old buddy ImperatorL. A culmination of their bitching, fighting and their conflict over who was left in charge after brian left tore the IVF apart.

Mid-Summer Catatonia
So sometime around late June/early July, i went through cold turkey for my Q3 gifting habit and ended up in a 3-clicking catatonia until august sometime. I remember little more than nothing from the period so this is a short section.

My Rejuvenation and Death and Resurrection and Second Death and My Final Resurrection
I awoke in a new world full of strange tales of Starks as president and his transformation into a miniature mannimarco ending in his impeachment.
This is when I served my second term as congressman under the ISRP using my campaign of "Screw Party Politcs" running under IV as an independent, only to change back to the ISRP when I realised that IV was just as solidified and partisan as any other party and gave up the fight against partisan politics.
During this term I remember naught of the actual politics in the dáil, but I remember vaguely that it was a period of much lulz, butthurt, and the prime of my media career including my "Stock Photo Shenanigans", "eIreland LoTR" and my few political spoofs.
This is about the time I started having major internet trouble and had to 3 click and even NO CLICK some days. There was a period in the middle where i regained access only for it to slip away again. Eventually about 5 months ago I came back and ran in the Christmas elections for my third term in congress.

The Now
In 2010 my erepublik life has been quite dim as far as achieving anything is concerned but 2010 has been a period of new friendships for me with Irish noobies navy, JJ and gleb and others <3 U Guys.

I am now around 48 or 52 eYears old depending on your calender.

Starks Hayter
Ian Arbuckle
Theus Jackus
Aran Tal
Sean Greene RIeP
Igor Thunderbrow
Michael Collins
Padraig_Pearse/Irish Rebel/Jamie9988
John Jay
Carter Malloy
Orangejuicemmm, MULLEH!
Irish Princess
Dash Riprock
Don Squire
Brian Boru
Niall H
and anyone I forgot to mention.

Bits I Missed

Militant Homosexual Alliance
  One of the more entertaining of my expliots, I TO'd some dying party that was then known as the voter apathy party. It was hastily renamed to We Love Vyse as a tribute to the legend himself. The name grew old quickly so the Militant Homosexual Alliance was born. It was the party's goal to unite all homosexuals through any means including lethal force if necessary.
  I (ab)used my position of party president by laundering party gold to my own account via an ingenious cheap ad scheme. I would take requests for ads for a sum of 75% of the ad cost which was deposited in my citizen account. I would then create the ad using the party funds giving me 7 gold for every 10 gold the party had.

Military Career
  Over my past year i have served as a CO in the IDF numerous times and successfully led a division on a deployment to Latvia or one of those countries. I am now a general with 58365 damage and 589 fights under my belt and a strength of just under 19. I can out perform a few of irelands field marshals, thats how awesome Lana is.

A very special thanks to Vyse, pdiddy & Garrett