Your Vote Could Help the US!

Day 818, 15:48 Published in USA USA by Aaron S

My friend, Matthew Smith the Awesomeness is running for Party President of a former French political party (we absorbed all of their parties by conquering them). This party has over 50 gold on hand. As you know, the gold in parties can only be used for advertising. Matthew Smith the Awesomeness plans to use the money to advertise the US Welcoming Committee and other worthy causes to help the US community. You can read about this in his paper:

Running against Matthew Smith is Civil Anarchy of the Socialist Freedom Party. The communists are attempting to gain control of the party to run ads for the SFP to gain more exposure for their communes. This does not help the US as communes generate little tax money and only exist for the benefit of their members.

If anyone has a vote left to give, I invite you to join the Revolution Grolandaise Party and vote for Matthew Smith the Awesomeness to help America!