Day 789, 11:47 Published in Australia Australia by Aether

Well let me introduce myself first of all, afterall I bet you won't have a clue to who I am except a person who just rambles on about wanting votes well then let me introduce myself.

I am Aether, originally I came from the eUK, why I moved thats easy to answer, it was due to the reason that I simply got bored of living there. I lived there since I first started playing the game back when this was in it's infancy stage of Beta (what a time that was) so you can count on having a reliable member of congress for starters. I have attempted to run a company but found it too hard to do so I shut up shop and moved on. Well what else would you like to know about me? How about the fact that I'm rich!! and I'm always happy to give out loans to any new member of the world so if you're new then come see me by either commenting here or send a PM.

Well then thats enough about me onto my policies:

1) One being I want to make sure that our region is well defended from enemy attacks after all we are very prone to outsiders being on the edge of the country. To counter this I would put in proposals to conquer surrounding regions that way we wouldn't need to spend as much money on defences.

2) If that fails I would then suggest for a defence system to be installed in our region after all after my last check I believe we don't even have one and we should really have a good decent one for our own saftey.

3) I would try to also encourage trade within our region by reducing taxes, afterall we will need the extra money to spend on the improvements in our region.

Well thats my presentation if you have any further enquiries please feel free to contact me.