Warrior-President Takes Office

Day 747, 08:56 Published in Philippines Philippines by Swagger McSwag

MANILA - It's official!

National Defense Director romansoldier (FPM-KMP) won by a 26-point margin against rival presidential candidate Sol alliance representative-emeritus Hekter (PFF-PHP) in what was reputedly one of the most intense electoral battles in Philippine history, yesterday.

romansoldier finished the polls with a total of 64 votes, while Hekter trailed closely behind with 38 votes.

Following his victory, romansoldier thanked the masses for their support and announced that he "will do [his] 100% BEST to reach all of [his National] Goals" through his newspaper, News of the Gods.

romansoldier's National Goals are to increase the Filipino population by 50%, increase the GDP by 4%, and maintain the territorial integrity of the Philippines.

Hekter was also quite gracious about the matter.

"It was a good race and it was a true testament to the niceness of the ePhilippines that it could be that--no mudslinging, no arguing, no accusations--as so many countries have to live through each month," he told The Outsider

Congressman EZEX Lacroa of the Philippine Labor Party (FLP), however, garnered a disappointing 3 votes only.

Yesterday's voter turnout of 105 was 16.6% lower than last month's 126, and the lowest its been since October.

EZEX Lacroa was unavailable for comment.

-President Roman.

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