Vote Captain Briggs for Congress (NT)

Day 734, 16:23 Published in Australia Australia by Captain Briggs

Hello Northern Territory!

You can't get more different, more varied, and more exotic then me, not mentally anyway.

Being Deputy Speaker in just my first term as congressman I also took on many major political discussions and used my citizenship passes very consideratly. I could boast about the many other roles and political aspects I have fufilled in the past, but I do that every election and what we need instead is something new.

Last month we were still partly owned by Indonesia, now we are whole again and with the backing of the new strongest alliance in the game. We had our first women (or one we known that is a women anyway 😛) president, and I ranked up to Colonel. :3

This next month, it's not about what we can fix, or what we can get back to, it's what we can get out and grab for ourselves. This time our future isn't blockaded by others, it's a free passage we can explore for what will hopefully be a long time yet.

I hope that I can help in this exploration, offer new ideas and add to old ones. To do all this I need your vote, and it definently won't be wasted, that is my guarentee.