Resignation from Army XO

Day 717, 18:05 Published in USA USA by Jameson L. Tai
GoogleDoc of the annoucement

To: GEN NXNW, Chief of Staff
CJCS Eugene Harlot, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
From: LTG Jameson L. Tai, Vice-Chief of Staff
Re: Resignation

06 NOVEMBER 2009

I have spent the past six months serving with the eUS Army. Since the beginning I have been greeted with warm welcomes throughout the way.

I first started my career in the Army with Video Jack as my platoon leader. He was very understanding and helpful, and overworked. As I got to know him, I started helping out with platoon matters and became the platoon sergeant of 4/3. It was a great time to be in the Army during restructure. The unit was very well organized and I am proud to have served with Daniel Hawkins and Raoul Juke, who have both become excellent officers in the Army.

I was given my first command as Ret. General Joseph Schmo created 4th Division 4th Platoon. I worked with several great soldiers who I am proud to have served with. This includes ProjectAce, some_mascot, and several other soldiers who have been excellent aides and confidants as well as great friends.

In June, I became the Division Executive Officer of the 4th Infantry Division. It gave me a lot of leadership experience, although I was not communicating on a day-to-day basis with soldiers, I learned a lot about how the eUS Army worked and became good friends with Ret. General Joeseph Schmo, Ret. General Knojerakk, and current Army Chief of Staff, General NXNW, who was my Division Commander. I am glad to have had great officers serve in the 4th Division, including Video Jack, Ethan Strickland, Aang Airbender, Tuninki, Jason the Great, and others who have helped me along the way.

In July, I was once given the honor of being the first commander of the newly established Fifth Mechanized Infantry Division. I felt awkwardly distant towards my soldiers, as I had a line I could not cross before it seemed like I was overstepping my authority or micromanaging my units. Consisting of fresh transfers from the Training Division and Home Guard, the soldiers in my command were extremely well coordinated and active. 5th Division showed the eUS Army that active soldiers do not always have to have high strength and matching damage ranks. I am proud to have great officers such as some_mascot, Hadrian_X, Daniel Hawkins, ProjectAce, Robert Loggia, Buck28, George Armstrong Custer, and many others who have spent countless hours on this division.

When I was offered the position of Army Deputy Executive Officer, I was shocked at the rush of responsibilities and the amount of changes I could foresee in making the Army as a military branch be more effective. In doing so, I established the five departments Army Staff has today. I am glad to have chosen every responsible, active, and selfless officers who have contributed to improve the image the Army has now, including ProjectAce, some_mascot, Siegmund, Chevere, Tremaine, Jasper Ferguson, Chadwick0585, Scott Coyle, Aeros, Rod Damon, Ralph Vundu, George Armstrong Custer, and many others.

When I became Army XO (or Vice-Chief of Staff) I helped develop the Recruit Education Battalion Training Program and develop the Rangers. I have pushed for more funding for the Army. I have devised plans to improve officer activity levels with Operation Musical Chairs as well as improve soldier activity levels with the Army Superior Unit Competition. I would like to thank my senior command staff for brilliantly commanding their divisions: Jason the Great, Goaly1323, Eli Wheelbarrow, Atlien, ZSandmann, Oscar H. Mountain, James Harding, Aang Airbender, Ethan Strickland, Hadrian X, some_mascot, Mainegreen.

I have seen seen things that needed to be done in the Army that were viewed as unpopular, but necessary to be accomplished to ensure the smooth operations and equal opportunity for my soldiers in the Army. In doing so, I have promoted many officers who deserved their position to best serve the branch. However, I have also demoted, discharged, and banned several soldiers and have enacted several command decisions that I personally did not want to do. As second in command in most organizations, whether it be business, military, or organizational, is always the internal hard-ass who differs from the top-gun in charge who deals with mediation and politics. I see myself as doing things that needed to be done whether I liked it or not. And in doing so, I have made myself somewhat unpopular amongst the ranks in the United States Armed Forces.

During my time in the Joint Chiefs of Staff, I have worked with many officials and chiefs from the United States Armed Forces as well as officials in foreign countries. I am glad to have worked with the United States Training Corps, along with General Angelini, Lieutenant General Teucer, and Colonel Relin to help me put together the training materials for the RECBN Training Program. I am honored to have worked with leaders of the MI, Seuss, beerman616, Dimension, RivasA, and others in Airborne, such as Max, TheSpartan, wahooBob. I have participated in planning many operations alongside with CJCS Eugene Harlot, Leroy Combs, Lucius Varenus, Gaius Julius, Emmerick, and other political figures.

It was my job when I first became Lieutenant General to help the Army clean the house. I have personally overseen the discharge over two hundred and fifty soldiers who were inactive and did not meet the par the Army has established. As the image of the Army has improved significantly from its tarnished history back in early May of this year, I believe that my job is done. It is time for me to move on and pass the torch to the next generation of soldiers and officers to keep the fine reputation of the eUnited States Army alive and to bring new heights to the military branch.

This resignation will be effective immediately at 0000H 09 November 2009 eRep time. I will be helping out with the transition process to help General NXNW out with installing the next administration to lead the Army.

I will be transferring to the United States Marine Corps as a grunt, starting over, hoping that the change of environment will bring a welcoming lack of responsibilities as I recuperate. I hope I will be welcomed back to Army communications channels in the future, as I will definitely be back to chat - only not as a superior, but as a peer, a comrade, and a friend.

Jameson L. Tai
Lieutenant General
United States Army">