First Day on the Job and a New Cabinet

Day 717, 10:10 Published in USA Poland by Battle Kitten

First and foremost, I want to thank Jewitt for a great campaign. He is probably the only person in the USA who slept less than me in the past few days. Whatever our differences, I have a great deal of respect for Jewitt and the sacrifices and contributions he has made to the eUSA. I would also like to congratulate Gaius Julius on a successful presidency and his new found freedom. All previous presidents deserve our respect. Each one of them can attest to the fact that it is an arduous and sometimes thankless job.

Secondly, I would like to thank everyone who worked on my campaign and all of my supporters. Your hard work and dedication made this victory possible. I am humbled in the faith the voters have placed in me and I will give my best possible effort to ensure that I do not let anyone down. That said, I am firmly convinced that the destiny of this country rests not solely in my hands, but in the hands of every congressman, government official, soldier, and citizen. Only through dedication and a collective effort will we continue to grow, prosper, and secure our position around the globe.

With a new day, begins a new job and a new set of tasks ahead of both me and the cabinet I have chosen. We have been entrusted with the task of making both our allies and our nation secure against the threat of PEACE, but at the same time revitalizing the American populace and fostering a spirit of volunteerism within our country. I assure you my mission for this month rests upon these ideals:

1. We will continue to defend our nation from unwarranted attack.
2. We will defend our allies from both political and military attacks from our enemies.
3. We will make a concerted effort to free occupied territories from PEACE control.
4. We will continue to support our military and give them the tools required to protect our nation and our allies.
5. We will continue to promote social programs to assure our new citizens a chance at a long and prosperous e-life.
6. We will address the concerns of the newer player and make sure that our educational system is effective and encourages player retention and growth.

I want to make myself perfectly clear to those that wish the eUSA and our allies harm. We are prepared to make whatever sacrifices necessary to defend our sovereignty and security. If you choose to harm us there will be consequences. That said, any nation that wishes to have peaceful relations with the eUSA, I will gladly listen to and be more than willing to work together with you to find peaceful solutions to whatever differences we face.

I have chosen my cabinet and am still waiting for a few approvals. I have attempted to find a solid mixture of both newer and older players. I wanted age and wisdom coupled with youth and enthusiasm. We need new ideas and new faces within the government at different positions in order to ensure that we have continued success. If we create a new generation of leaders regardless of parties or philosophy we will continue to grow strong and our country will endure long after myself and other eUSA citizens slip into a quiet retirement. The cabinet for the next month is as follows:

President: Josh Frost
Vice President: Woxan
Chief of Staff: DanielCD
Deputy Chief of Staff: Devan Kronos
Secretary of State: Cerb
Deputy Secretary of State: Bradley Reala
Director of Ambassadorial Affairs: Dodgercatcher
Deputy Director to Ambassadorial Affairs: system0101
Citizen Task Force: Indrae
Secretary of the Treasury: Jewitt
EC Director: James Harding
Secretary of Intelligence/CIA: jasonalwaysready
Deputy Secretary of Intelligence: Aeros
Congressional Liaison: Zcia
Secretary of Defense: Inwegen
Deputy Secretary of Defense: Tyler Jenkins
King of California: DomiBoss
Chairman - Joint Chiefs of Staff: Eugene Harlot
Secretary of the Interior: mjdiv
Secretary of Citizen Affairs: St Krems
Secretary of Education: James Strife
Communication Director/White House Press Secretary: Rheinlander von Phalz
Grand Vizier: Emerick
Vizier: Jasper Ferguson
Vizier: George Barker
Vizier: Publius
Vizier: Cromstar

And now I present you with dancing cats: