10% Work Tax Proves Its Worth

Day 2,366, 11:06 Published in USA USA by Gnilraps

Pay Me
Day 2295 of the New World
May 13, 2366

So during my two months as Country President, I spent a good bit of cash.

I'm not talking about my own personal Real Life cash. Yes, I threw some cash at this game during those two months to facilitate my enjoyment of my Presidency, but I'm not counting that.

What I'm talking about is the cash I spent out of our Federal Reserve.

I spent a few million of it.

And boy am I glad I did. I also think that if you will give me a few minutes of your time, you'll be glad about it too.

We've been arguing about the American Work Tax policy in this country since the day it was introduced. If you recall, we were without congress (while Oblige was CP) at the time and so we couldn't alter the default 25% rate that was set by Admin. We eventually settled on 10% rate based on some very clear and sound reasoning.

You probably also know that despite the superior fiscal thinking behind the 10% rate, a loud minority of citizens forsook American Citizenship, selling themselves out for a cheaper tax. These same continue to grind their axe.

However, once the war against Canada came along, our 10% tax rate which had produced for us a war chest of significant size proved its wisdom.

We have all seen that eCanada has a few players with big pockets. DMV3 is, after all, the same player who, when he was a citizen of eUSA, established the Praetorian Guard Military Unit by paying his soldiers 10 Gold per week to join his unit. And DMV is not the only goldbuyer in eCanada.

And since cash spent on Combat Orders generally results in battlefield damage, it was going to take cash to fight against eCanada and her mastercards.

And this brings me to my point.

The war chest that has grown under the 10% Work Tax is America's cash. You paid the taxes.

Some of the monies collected by the Work Tax help to fund the USAF. So (and we've agreed as a nation that this is a good thing) there is a large group of players who fight each day with tanks purchased by tax money - your money. You have paid it, someone else gets to enjoy fighting with it.

But when I withdrew millions of dollars from the Federal Reserve - millions of your dollars, I spent it on Combat Orders - often being paid out to eUS Citizens ONLY - in a war against Canada. In other words, by virtue of Combat Orders funded by monies collected from the Work Tax, you were receiving back into your own personal accounts the very money you had paid out in Taxes (not to mention the simultaneous True Patriot Gold you were receiving.)

So I am proud to have spent the money I spent on battles against an opponent that, meh, isn't really worth much to begin with.

It isn't eCanada that makes war against eCanada worthwhile. It was the fact that by fighting against eCanada, you were receiving back a decent rebate on the taxes you'd been paying.

This is a pattern I'd like to see continue.

Give 'em hell, Molly.

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