10 Reason why vote YES and Foundation Green

Day 2,515, 15:21 Published in New Zealand United Kingdom by Oliver Q
I trust him. .

Background music

Hi all

Why vote - for yes?
I will present 10 reason why worth do this. Of course it isn't nothing personal and probably his successor will also be for the medal or maybe not 😃.

Reason 1
Of course official candidate was Odin and here we can see it explicitly how looks like eRepublik.

Reason 2
The proportion of votes and the number of votes

Official candidate was Odin and they had support 4 party. One party abstain and second supported another candidate.

Reason 3
PPL in NZ (Citizens in NZ)

Every day eRepublik loses many players of course with them NZ.
Nothing has changed we still see how NZ loses citizen. Nothing happens !.

Reason 4

One of the better jokes last days
No comment

Reason 5
Official note

And other problem- Government office for inspection by representatives of other countries
The official position = official note

Reason 6
CP press

No activity CP in press

Reason 7
Government press

No activity in government press -ohh sorry I saw two articles in a month

Reason 8

Monotony in signing MPP with the new countries

To change something we need to revive it

Reason 9

Where is fuc*ing AS !!?

We collect,collect,collect,collect, and collect...
and where the effect?

Reason 10
You have to change it 😃

and nothing more…

Denk an dein sünden


Polish version about foundation


1822 paczek!
Dziękujemy za zaufanie

Filmik Promocyjny Fundacji

Jeżeli masz nadwyżkę czegokolwiek prześlij mi ją


English version about foundation


Since 8.07 we distributed 1822 pack! [/b]




If you have too much anything send me the excess

Something about us:
We are group people with a mission. Our mission it's help,
strengthen, refresh, improve this country.


Our PP was Oliver Q and also are congress member.
GL boss

Party program- click here

Motivational program

Terms and Conditions:

1. You must be a member of the party Agat
2. In first day you get: 100 breads q1 in next day if you answer in feed or if you send me message, you receive 200 breads q1. On the third day y if you answer in feed or if you send me message, you receive 5 tanks q7. Every next days it is 5 tanks q7 and
200 breads q1.

Attention: If you miss some day, you must start from anew.

We are far-right party.Our goal is the welfare and security of the State.Our priority is: training, assistance

The most important information:

Link to party: http://www.erepublik.com/en/party/jw-agat-party-4792/1
Direct link to IRC- click
Link to Forum- click

History of the name:

The name "Agat" comes from a WWII code-name of a combat subversion unit "Agat" (short for Anti-Gestapo) of Destruction and Sabotage Command (Kedyw), subordinated to Headquarters of Armia Krajowa in Poland.

About us:

Agat was created in July in NZ, founder of this mu was Oliver Q. The Idea of this military unit was help NZ get more damage in battle and of course good fun with good community.

We offer:

• Battle Deployments
• Free supplies
• War Collage
• Chat
• Forum
• Help
• Our Uniform
• Partial reimbursement
• International company
• Notifications of important battles
• And the BEST Community in the game

Agat its international military unit, we help our allies. We create national defense,we help many and many we get satisfaction.

About supplies:
Everyday we give supplies and you can ask us to join training program.
Please don't suggest current rates, because everything can change.

0-10 kills – (1 tank q7)
11-25 – (3 tank q7, 200q1 foods)
26-49- (5 tank q7 ,300q1 foods)
50-75 (7 tank q7,400q1 foods)
75+ (7 tank q7 ,500q1 foods, 30 cc)

About Community:
Our military unit have irc channel and of course forum.
On the forum you receive access to supplies form,uniform,market and many else thing.
On Irc channel you can meet,talk with commanders and spend good time in nice atmosphere.

If you search good Military Unit with daily supplies and also with good community,interesting people.You find this in JW Agat.

Our the motto is "ULTIMA RATIO REGUM" this means,that we will choose and decide about future country. To us ,will be belonged the final argument who decides about everything.

The most important information:
Group Commander- click
MU AGAT - click
Channel on Rizon- #agat
Direct link to IRC- click
Link to Forum- click
Link to avatars: click or click

ohh yes
