[YUUVA - PP] I am Proud of You + CP Elections

Day 1,984, 23:51 Published in India India by DonMogul

Your Party President Is Proud

I will be perfectly honest with you guys. Following the defection of some of our members to other parties, I was expecting a significant drop in YUUVA's share of Congress.

Instead, those that remained united together, spoke up and were counted.

Our members are writing quality articles and getting our message out there.

A job well done to you all!

Congress GOLD

A reminder to all YUUVA congress members. Following discussions our Party Spokesman published an article, that announced that Congress members are encouraged to donate what they feel they can afford.

A Small Announcment of my Own

YUUVA Congress members! As you donate send me a message stating how much you donated. Whatever the total amount is, I shall match it and donate that much myself to the National Bank!

Country President Elections

With the Congress elections out the way, we need to think about CP elections. Any YUUVA member interested in running needs to contact me first.

If multiple YUUVA members wish to run, a party ballot will be run.

Should no YUUVA member wish to run, I will then put up for an in-party vote a ballot on who we should officially support.

That is all for the moment.

Message ends.

And will self destruct in 10 seconds!