我们会回来的!/We will be back!

Day 820, 12:39 Published in China China by DarthXile

大家好,我是Darth Xile,e中国的一员。今天的这篇文,是我作为e中国的一个公民而写。首先我想说, 现在看来,我们重新夺回辽宁的尝试又一次失败了。喷子们到处聒噪,说来说去还是老一套 的宣传。但是,他们没有意识到一个最重要的事实。他们也许是赢了这场战斗。但是他们已 经输掉了整场战争。


敌人们已然输了,因为,他们黔驴技穷了。在eRepublik中可能出现的种种可怕的 事情中,e中国有什么没经历过?我们两次被人从世界地图上抹去。我们在长达两个月的时 间内处在被PTO的状态。我们因为不活跃而举步维艰。我们曾经面对当时世界上最强大的 两个国家,在没有同盟的情况下(数月前,e印尼的PTO之后强行将我们卷入他们对e罗 马尼亚发起战争)。

就算是这样,我们还是挺过来了。我们的人口从300增加到了5000。我们的经济从只 有一两个人运作的十多家公司发展到现在一个真正平稳运转的经济实体。 而现在,敌人们能做的最后一件事情也已经做完了。辽宁是被人夺走了,尽管我们看上去很 想留住他。但是呢?我们还是没有倒下。我们挺过了所有的困难,我们还将会挺过所有的困 难。

没错,Phoenix打了一场大胜仗。但是这是依靠了3个当今最强大的国家(e匈牙利 ,e俄罗斯和e塞尔维亚),还不要说许多其他小国家(e巴基斯坦和e 伊朗)。没错,如果e塞尔维亚幸运的话,应该能够继续占有它几个月吧。

不过,我们现在也有朋友和同盟。更重要的是我们知道e中国的敌人是可以被打败的。自从 e中国第一次出现在世界地图上,用e中国的人自己的话说“早晚会有一 天,我们会有能力夺回我们的领土。当这一天到来时,我们应该也必将夺回我们的领土”。



It is I, Darth Xile, and people of eChina, I write this article as a citizen of eChina. I want to say firstly it seems like another attempt to retake Liaoning has failed and the trolls is going around saying their usual propaganda. However, they fail to realize one very important fact. They may have won this battle. But they have lost the war.

Undoubtedly, trolls think this is funny. Well, let me explain.

The enemy has lost, because there is nothing left they can do to us. eChina has already went through every single horrible thing possible in the entire eRepublik. We have been wiped from the map twice. We have been PTOed for two months. We have suffered from inactivity. We have faced down the two most powerful eCountries in the world at the time, without allies (eIndonesian PTO and then forced us to fight eRomania during the war between the two, several months back).

Despite all of this, we have kept on. Our population has risen from 300 to over 5500. Our economy went from a very small economy with maybe a dozen companies run by one or two people into a real working economy. And now the last thing that the enemy can do has been done, we have had Liaoning snatched from us just as it seemed like we would keep it. And guess what? We are still standing! We survived everything and we will survive everything!

Yes Phoenix won a great victory, but only with the combined efforts of three of their most powerful countries working together (eHungary, eRussia, and eSerbia) not to mention many other smaller countries (ePakistan and eIran). And yes, eSerbia might keep it for months if they are lucky.

However, we have friends and allies now and more importantly we know for a fact that the enemies of eChina can be defeated. In the words of the people of eChina ever since eChina was first put on the map, “One day, soon or later, we will be able to get our regions
back. And when day that comes, we shall and will take back our regions”.

So, well done Phoenix. You won, for now. But one day, we will be back.

-A special thanks to Gmeowmeow for translating this