[WAR] HrBjorns mojo has lifted the curse!

Day 1,116, 20:38 Published in Sweden Sweden by Valnad

04.54 local time, Swedes had secured the area known as Hovedstaden, surrounding the Capital of Denmark; København. After a couple of beers and a phone call from President Valnad, yelling the K-word to the Polish government...

...for being held up in a bunker at the time, supposedly due to an unfortunate accident involving a midget eating smelly fish out of a can, which resulted in a minor revolt. Luckily, they will be released tomorrow after having been bailed out by a guy looking like The Stig.

We're now sending our air force against Sjaelland, to scout out any hostile activity.

Meanwhile, our ground troops are moving across the bridge to Jylland, under the sound leadership of President HrBjorn and his generals, provided with beer and sausages coming straight from Grev Pers factories.

Victory will soon be ours!

The Curse of Homoness has been lifted. Soldiers report having felt a strong presence while being close to HrBjorn and they describe it as suddenly being overwhelmed by a sense of joy and pure awesomeness.

"I have never felt so homoless in my entire eLife!", said Misho, while being rewarded with another Battle Hero medal. "People are actually greeting us in the streets now, and we've begun to understand what they're saying. Suddenly, I feel much more awesome and complete as a Homonavian."

Med HrBjorns hjælp, folkets kærlighed og Homonavias styrke!

By pure awesomeness,

President of eSweden
Consumer of Grev Pers sausages
... and proud Homonavian.