[uxini] The population and eRepublik!

Day 1,022, 04:18 Published in Romania Netherlands by T O LJ A G A

Populatia si eRepublik!
RO – up
EN – down


Zi calduroasa de august…soarele zambeste puternic inca de dimineata, trimitand spre pamant fericirea lui arzatoare, care pentru noi se tranforma intr-un adevarat infern. Prea cald ca sa iesi din casa…prea cald sa gandesti limpede la ziua de azi, la ce trebuie sa faci sau ce varianta sa alegi, asta in cazul in care ai din ce sa alegi…

Vazand ca economia incepe cat de cat sa intre pe o linie de plutire, si avand cativa banuti in buzunar, m-am gandit sa incep o noua afacere, departe de casa. Calcule peste calcule, simulari si tot ceea ce tine de pregatirea terenului pentru o afacere noua au durat cateva zile, dupa care am hotarat sa fac un FOOD q5 in Argentina: companii putine de FOOD, profit bunicel si o populatie de vreo 18.000 locuitori.

Dupa cateva zile in care nu reusesc sa angajez aproape nici un muncitor, observ cu stupoare ca “megalitica” populatie a Argentinei s-a transformat intr-o colonie primitiva care nu depasea mai mult de 3400 locuitori.

Neavand nici o putere in lupta cu adminii pot spune ca ei au dansat cel mai perfect tango in aceasta perioada, iar eu am fost un veritabil spectator. Cu toate ca imi doresc sa fi fost unicul, sunt sigur ca, la fel ca mine, au mai fost zeci, sute….

Si asta nu se intampla doar in Argentina, ci la nivel mondial, cand in cele mai bune vremuri populatia mondiala “masura” 320.000 locuitori (sau ceva apropiat), iar acum, cu mari eforturi mai sunt 195.000.
Se observa clar ca proiectul “V2” a fost o adevarata eroare, avand in vedere ca peste 100.000 de locuitori au renuntat. Acest lucru il putem citi chiar dintr-un articol al adminilor: Changes in the economy module
Iar daca din acest numar majoritatea sunt clone, atunci, si in acest caz, adminii primesc inca “o bila neagra” pentru ineficacitatea de care au dat dovada in eliminarea acestora.

In concluzie: cand va este cel mai bine, cineva o sa va invite la un tango, iar voi veti ramane “spectatori”. Asa ca “puneti mana” si invatati tangoul….


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The population and eRepublik!

Warm day in August ... in the morning the sun still smiles strong , sending to the Earth his burning happyness, but for us turn into a real hell. Too hot to leave the house ... too hot to think clearly, what to do or what option you choose, that is , if you have of what to choose...

Seeing as how the economy begins to enter on „waterline”, and having some money in my pocket, I thought starting a new business, far from home. Calculations above calculations, simulations and everything you prepare the ground for a new business lasted several days, after which I decided to make a q5 FOOD in Argentina: few companies of FOOD, pretty good income and a population of about 18,000 inhabitants.

After a few days who fail to undertake almost any worker, I observed with astonishment that the „megalithic” population of Argentina has turned into a primitiv colony that received no more than 3400 inhabitants.

We have no power to fight to the admins, can say, they „danced the tango” in this period perfectly, and I was a „real audience”. Although I wanted to be the "only one" I am sure , like me, were dozens, hundreds

And this happens not only in Argentina, but in all world when the best times the world population " measures " 320,000 people (or something close) and now, with great efforts are 195,000.
It is clearly seen that the "V2" was a real error, considering that over 100,000 people have quit. This we can read it even in one article of the admins: Changes in the economy module
Then, if most of this nombers are clones, the admins will get another "black ball" for their proved inefficiency in eliminating them.

Concluding: when all would be better, someone will invite you to „tango” , but you will remain "spectators". So ... be smart and learn tango...

Good luck!

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