[USHLAU] We cool?

Day 2,968, 00:09 Published in Germany Denmark by Ushlau

I got a fairly good response on my last article so to celebrate the 4th year of the Union I think I will give it another go (and publishing in the eGerman part of the Union gives a way larger audience.) In addition to the comments below the last article, the article also opened up for talks with people in the union with who I rarely talk and some I have not talked with before (which in itself is pretty nice). My conclusion is that support for the Union in general is good from both eDanes and eGermans. In particular, “the idea” of the Union is popular. People appreciate that we fight for each other – not necessarily, because it is for the benefit of the individual country, but because we are, quote: "Countries bound together in friendship".

However, as in any marriage there are concerns and a bit of grumpiness.
One of the issues that are repeated are the question of costs. Do eDenmark and eGermany each bring enough into the Union? Do each country pay their part?
To be honest; I don’t know. What do you think? – I intend to look a bit at that in this article.

Each country benefit differently from the Union. The primary benefit of eDenmark is obviously from the military protection of eGermany. Further eDenmark do not have the costs of MPPs as eDenmark rely on the eGerman MPPs. eGermanys primary benefit is on the other hand a few extra regions and the minuscule damage eDenmark bring. It also brings a few strategic advantages and challenges to both countries, which I do not intend to address further in this article.

The Union treaty is fairly explicit about the sharing of costs:

a) Common expenses are declared as expenses, where every member of the union has the option to benefit from. For example MPP-Costs and supplies for Common-Hits and Wars.
b) The Union-Partner Denmark will participate in these costs with a monthly payment of 20% of their monthly tax-income to the german financial Organisation “Bundesbank”.

It pretty much say that Germany must carry all costs except for eDenmarks share which will be 20% of the monthtly eDanish tax income. Example of costs are MPP-costs and supplies. Costs for COs are NOT explicitly mentioned, but as the definition of expenses are given as “expenses, where every member of the union has the option to benefit from“, they must be assumed to be included.
Whether this distribution is fair or not I will not address, however this is the words of the treaty.

So how much did each country contribute? Show me the figures!
Right, then. Obviously, I can only show eDanish figures and obviously, I cannot show everything. Bubbi keeps a tight record of the eDanish treasury and has been so kind to provide an overview of 2015: (I have shameless copied it 😁.

eDanish Tax Income: 50.000
Tax income from eGerman held regions: 0

Welfare Programme: 211.665
eDanish MUs (COs etc): 1.323.000
Weapons: 1.836
Direct eGermany Support, eGermark Support: 500.000

Year result: -1.986.501

(The figures only include government money – private donations also play an important part in the eDanish economy).

From the above it is clear that eDenmark runs a fairly small budget. It is also clear that we have an unbalance between income and expenses. The tiny income means that we are draining our reserves. While the reserves are still substantial, they are not limitless.
(I honestly don’t know the eGerman figures and it is NOT the intention with this article to make this into a completion over who spend the most pr. active citizen or similar).

Once again; what am I trying to say? I am actually not entirely sure. Maybe: Do each country carry their weight?
My answer this time is probably a bit more vague. “Do each country carry their weight?” Well, the countries obviously don’t bring the same to the table, so the question is probably more whether they bring what can be expected of them given the circumstances. I think I’ll stick to “Yes”.
What is you answer? Are we cool?