[USA] Stupid Is As Stupid Does - Updated with Kansas

Day 618, 10:33 Published in USA Hungary by Zoli
Updated day 619 - 3:00 erep time

You lost Kansas. Your orders where to defende Oklahoma instead of Kansas. The battle for Kansas ended at -12,474 and in the mean time the wall in Oklahoma was at +193,208. What a waste of damage in Oklahoma. Indonesia just retreated from Oklahoma and attacked it again as it had on open battle in Oregon. All that damage in Oklahoma was wasted again. You have learned nothing from New Mexico.

Your biggest problem is not the Q5 hospital you lost there.

You had 6 high grain regions in the USA. You lost them all. Now you will face a serious problem with grain and food.

The grain stock of the USA - as Q1 stock
July 18th 145,125 grain,
July 27th 116,666 grain
July 30th 12,943 grain - after losing California
Estimate for August 1st 2,000 grain - after losing Kansas

The biggest drop was when you lost California and now you lost the last stocks with Kansas. Probably tomorrow your grain stocks will be around 2,000 and the daily production will be zero. You will not starve as your allies will export grain and food to the US market, just that this way GOLD and USD will go out of your economy and prices will go up. People will have even less money to spend on the war.

And the irony regarding the Q5 hospital you lost in Kansas: as GLaDOS pointed out this should have been your last line of defense and still it is the first Q5 hospital that has fallen.

Please read this article Important - For the MoD and citizens of the USA - written by a Romanian player. Maybe you will believe him, I you do not believe me.


I will not talk about the fact that your president got a temporary suspension. That one is for the LULZ! Update - day 619 7:00 - Indonesia president Nicosianipar is banned today. Who is next?

I'll talk about something sad. You lose not because of game mechanics, but because you fail to understand them.

US Congress just rejected to place a Q5 hospital in New York.. How stupid can you be not to understand game mechanics? This one was the best decision of HR in this entire war.

Just to make a quick calculation. 12,500 USD = 250 GOLD for a Q5 Hospital. 1286 people living in New York. If only 25% would be active (pessimistic estimation), that would mean 320 fighters. They now fight 3 times a day. With a Q5 hospital they could have fought 5 times a day, that would meand 640 extra fights daily with that hospital, with an average damage of 45, that an American soldier inflicted in the current war that would mean 28,800 extra damage each day. Just remember how many fights you lost by a smaller margin. Tanking this much would cost you still around 250 GOLD and would be one time damage not every day.

US spent since the beginning of the war more than 15,000 GOLD and 400,000 USD without any result. At least 1/3 of it went on tanking. And you do not want to spend 12,500 USD to buy a Q5 hospital that would give you more than 28,800 damage every day.

Your opponents, your allies and your president tell that you need more Q5 hospitals. Why Congress thinks differently? Maybe HR went PEACEnick?

Stupid is as stupid does!

Stupid Question - The chicken was first or the egg?
Hungary - 9 Q5 hospitals
Romania - 9 Q5 hospitals - in all regions
Spain - 5 Q5 hospitals
Croatia - 3 Q5 hospitals
Indonesia - 9 Q5 hospitals

Update - The company who built the hospital would sell it for 1 USD. Read the offer