[USA] Mr. McFarland would like to apply for the Party President position.

Day 906, 23:56 Published in USA Pakistan by Max McFarland 2

Would you like some theme music?

Dear Journal,

There is an easy wrong answer.
~ Such as allowing the American Progressive Front to flourish.
There is a hard right answer.
~ Such as following a path of righteousness through peace despite all adversity.

The time has come to blaze a path to /v/ictory.

Earlier last month, for the span of one glorious morning, I brought forth the Amerikkan Dioist Front. This movement was short-lived, as the constituent parties of the new movement voted (in a close loss) to not honor lord Dio in the name of our movement. This simple affront expanded into a party movement which attempted to deny the right of our nation to proudly proclaim ourself Dioist, which I was able to stop, yet I lost the battle wherein the party constitution insisted upon atheism. This, above all else, had plagued me over the last few weeks. It is time to set things right.

The time has come for the /v/irginization of the American Progressive Front.

The time has come for the Amerikkan Dioist Front.

We are Dio. You are Dio. I am Dio.
May the love of Dio be with you, forever.

Cheers. 😁

Max McFarland 2
Party President Candidate, American Progressive Front