[UPDATE2] Do you have NE bonus without border?

Day 1,469, 18:11 Published in Serbia Czech Republic by Rhual

Dont? You lame :3 I show you how its possible.

Look for the difference:

What do you notice?

If you think its interesting, check the next one out:

trololo its funny, isnt it? Consequence?

Now seriously.
Bulgaria and Croatia enjoy the free (gift) NE bonus while Lithuania doesnt have. None of them took any other NE since the border was broken.

As far as I know Indonesia had the same problem with Taiwan (that was really a problem because they werent able to take another NE - to Philippines) and after they reported it by ticket, admins solved it. It means that its a bug.

So dear admins, solve these "invisible border" issues as soon as possible or give equal chances to get free NEs


PS. FTW = for the win


Croat's Hungarian NE is disappeared already, but the more interesting Bulgarian's NE is still alive... while Lithuania doesnt have that...

Also this "feature" is around the world http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/can-u-explain-to-me--1914755/1/20
OMG Its infectious!!!