~To: Argentina and Romania, Love: America~

Day 406, 15:58 Published in USA USA by Benn Dover

Argentina you guys are pretty awesome. You guys, along with the Romanians are unsung heroes from the European War with France, starting resistance wars in Western Cape, distracting Indos, being contributive in the battles that the rest of Atlantis were involved in, even despite not being officially involved yourself. You've been a fantastic ally to the United States and a helpful, supportive ally to Atlantis.

American citizens, lets fight. Fight for Argentina, fight for what's right, fight for the glory of being the most powerful alliance. With the weapons we give you, with the money we give you, with your bare fists or out of your own pocket, show support to our fellow allies, the men and woman of Argentina.

This is your PRESIDENT speaking to you, soldiers, your Commander in Chief. Your orders are being relayed down to you as soon as possible. Echos were sent down hours ago. You should be receiving them shortly, if you have not already.

Make sure NOT to fight past the point where you need to use the hospital, but to fight every.single.day in this war. Empty handed or equipped with Q5 weaponry, it does not matter. If you are given weapons, then be happy, and if not, then be happy that you can still be involved in a war for what's right - Argentina.

To the Romanian Citizens:

Guys, we'll always love you (no homo). You're our allies, our friends, just like Argentina. A lot of Americans are upset that the country that you're taking over we are friendly with, but there is no reason to be worried about future relationships and diplomacies between Romanian and the USA. Just because Uncle Sam says that he wants America to go against Romanian actions, thus making us leave Atlantis, doesn't mean that our entire country does, let alone myself. Uncle Sam doesn't speak for the United States, I do. I admit that my article speaking out against the new Russian war was a bit.. touchy, and if I offended anybody then I apologize for that. You Romanians are awesome allies and a great nation to be allied with. I look forward to seeing you on the battlefield once more, just like in the wars against France.