МНР ШВАЈЦАРИЈА: Thank you Macedonia!

Day 2,433, 20:22 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia by lazarosaMKD

Министерот за надворешни работи на Швајцарија ме замоли да ја објавам неговата статија во мојот весник.
Мислам дека нема потреба да ја преведувам на Македонски во целост, на кратко, ни се заблагодарува за нашата помош во битката за Alsace. Со оваа нивна победа, Швајцарија моментално ја има најголемата територија во нивната е-историја на играва.
Воедно, ни посакуваат среќа во борбите против Грција.

Hello Macedonians!

I write this article in name of all the Swiss people who watched the battle of Alsace, against France in which we received, AGAIN, a massive help from the Macedonians. I think there is no country who deserve more the respect of Switzerland than the Macedonians. Thanks to this massive help from Macedonia that Switzerland have the biggest territory of our history! And you was part of this achievment! Thank you Macedonia! Personally i have no words to describe how happy I am, I know I can say millions of thank you, but there is no space.

For those who don't know, France did a rogue attack in Switzerland, they declared war on us, which was a big surprise because we had friendly relations for years. French government don't gave any explanation and came here to wipe us during this congress elections. Now they are paying for this rude action.

We wish Macedonia the best against Greece. Switzerland can't do the same that Macedonia did for us, but we will try our best, try to help our real friends with everything we have!

Hail Macedonia!
Hail Switzerland!

Swiss Minister of Foreign Affairs.