[Statistics] Country Gold and Currency Ranking Week 09

Day 1,573, 06:13 Published in Portugal Portugal by jotapelx


Today we are going to look into the Treasury and the National Organizations gold and currency. Last week we had the big development with the move into the single currency across the eWorld, which meant a simplification of the ranking process, since now we can all easily compare the currency value of each country, without trying to find the active exchange rate, but this is only valid for the Treasury.

Unfortunately, the big change last week has created a big problem of accountability because the values of each National Organization had become a secret, maybe a state secret, but a secret nevertheless. As such I will not be able to extract that data until those values are available again. Nevertheless I will present the values available for each National Organization on the day 1568, when all currencies owned were converted into each national currency.

At last, we will look into the aggregation of the information by Alliances and by Big Alliances.

The following rank will take into consideration the data before the conversion, on day 1567 at 03:00 and after the conversion, on day 1568 at 13:00. The big surprise in terms of per capita is North Korea, with 24,582 Currency per citizen.

The amount of gold and currency available for each country is a big source of debate. To allow a better reading of the rankings I'm increasing the granularity of the information at my disposals by posting the values available for each National Organization identified in this article http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-reference-national-organizations-compendium-1980823/1/20.

[Edited] I'm sorry for the strange display of the table but I had to divided in 4 images to present the data in a way possible to read it.

The Alliances and Big Alliances were mapped in the previous article of this week series http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-statistics-around-the-eworld-presidential-elections-analysis--1982631/1/20.

The following chart will group the total currency and gold of each alliance after the conversion of all currencies into the single currency.

And by Big alliances we have:

The Average currency and gold each country has will be detailed in the next charts:

And by Big alliances we have:

This week will be impossible to present the Resources data due to the fact that today is already sunday, so we will have a overlook to the resources charts by Alliance and Big Alliances and since there are no big changes in the Ranking I will not present the ranking table for this week concerning the resources.

And by Big alliances we have:

And that's all for the week 09 series, which was very hard to present all the data because of all the interruptions done by the game and the big changes that only today I was able to see through its big limitations.

Next week I will try to present the articles during the beginning of the week to allow the data to be closer to the extraction date.

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Best Regards,


PS: I'm proud to say that this newspaper has a Hungarian translation in http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/a-sz-vets-gek-akt-v-tagjainak-statisztik-ja-1977202/1/20.