~Some Organization: Military Update, Taxes, MPPs, and the Cabinet~

Day 354, 15:51 Published in USA USA by Benn Dover

Before getting into anything, I would like to request that those citizens with high amounts of USD on the market for values such as 0.018, 0.019, and 0.02, please move bump them up to higher offers. The United States is spending enough money on the war in Australia as is, we don't want to spend more gold by regulating.

Thank you all for keeping your heads high after appearing to be defeated in Australia last night. Indonesia is asleep now, it's the time to strike. We currently have 20,000+ damage done to the wall in our favor, thousands of gold spend (combined throughout Atlantis), and plenty of troops left to send. We will be rotating platoons over the next week to be deployed to Australia so that our workforce is still strong back home. It is amazing, however, that we can keep such a huge population (5300+) even with a large portion of soldiers fighting. To see a wonderful report on this, read the latest article from my good friend DesertFalcon here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/the-second-war-down-under-696574/1

Lets Impose Taxes

Quick, while everybody's distracted by the war! I kid, but in all seriousness, I have been perfecting the income, VAT, and import taxes in the country. Ideally, this is EXACTLY what I would like. Those of your in the economic council, feel free to comment about this (Hell, even if you aren't, input is appreciated).

Current values... Income.... Import.... VAT

Food ... 7%... 99%... 1 %
Gift... 1%... 99%... 1 %
Weapon... 7%... 99%... 1 %
Moving Tickets... 1%... 99%... 1 %
House... 1%... 99%... 1 %
Hospital... 1%... 99%... 1 %...
Defense System...1%... 99%... 1 %
Grain... 1%... 99%... N/A
Diamonds... 7%... 80%... N/A
Iron... 1%... 50%... N/A
Oil... 1%... 99%... N/A
Wood 1% 48% N/A

Desired values... Income.... Import.... VAT

Food... 7%... 99%... 3 %
Gift... 7%... 99%... 3 %
Weapon ... 10%... 99%... 3 %
Moving Tickets... 5%... 99%... 3 %
House... 7%... 99%... 3 %
Hospital... 7%... 99% 3 %
Defense System...7%... 80%... 3 %
Grain... 7%... 99%... N/A
Diamonds... 5%... 45%... N/A
Iron... 5%... 45%... N/A
Oil... 7%... 99%... N/A
Wood... 10%... 55%... N/A

I know that a lot of yor are probably confused by these statistics, so allow me to elaborate. First, income tax is NOT the tax that gets taken off of what you are paid salary-wise. They changed it after V1. Income tax only affects companies. This means that all employees will NOT be taxed. Secondly, I would like to say that 7% income tax is ideal because it is not too high but not too low. 5, I feel, is still too low for the company-owners in America. Other countries keep their taxes at 10, but I think 7 will suffice. Wood and Weapons are placed at 10% VAT each because, with a raised import on Wood and lowered import on Iron, these two industries will be a little more profitable. If you would like to see a lot more reasoning for all of these values, please educate yourself by looking at the input that I submit to the US via the Official Forums, and more specifically, on the Legislative Discussion board - http://erepublikusa.com/forums/index.php?board=7.0

Mutual Protection Pacts

In V1, MPPs actually cost gold to maintain. Because of this, we will not keep all of our current MPPs, but rather, keep only a few with selected Atlantis countries. I have had several offers from PEACE nations to have MPPs with the United States, but what I really want to know is - what's in it for us? Having over 5000 citizens, many of which are active, the US would be a prime candidate for smaller countries to have as their bodyguard. But if we are going to waste 50 gold a month on it, why should we get little protection in return? I invite any active-viewers of this article to discuss what they feel we should do about the current MPP situation, even if you are not in the US. Be it by comment or by personal-message, input is welcome and appreciated.

Atlantis is currently in discussion of this topic as well as citizens who attend this forum, but I wanted to open it up to the public. Don't be shy to share your thoughts on how the MPPs are going to affect America.

Cabinet Positions

Now please note that, even though this is a more finalized version and revised version of my cabinet, there are still spots open, indicated by "Open", etc.
I received a total of 15 applications thus far, and even though all of these citizens might not get EXACTLY what they desire, it still means that 15 extra citizens are involved in the government now, making other peoples' jobs that much easier. The more people involved in government, the better; two heads is better than one. That said, here is a more complete version of my cabinet.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Justinious McWalburgson III - Vice President
Secretaries of Defense (Foreign Relations) - Emerick and ThisGenMedia
National Security Council Director - Peregrine
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs- Chimichonga
General of the Army - Moishe
Commander of the Marines - Dexter Jones
General of the National Guard - Leroy Combs
Quartermaster General - Logomaster304 (Billy Fleming: Assistant)
Office of the Quartermaster... - Open, see below
- Record Clerk - Baus88
- Distribution Officer & Workers - Killing time (OPEN)
- Procurement Officer - Donutdude
- Spain/Argentina - Time
- Spain/Mexico - Trisk
- Brazil/Venezuela - B1indn3ss
- Finland - Nonesuch
- United Kingdom - Joeyhens1
- Ireland/Australia - CJ Will Win
Central Intelligence Agency - Mikaleus

Secretary of Society - Open
Head of the Department of Education - Joeph Cole
Head teachers of the DoE - Angrr
Citizen Expansion Program Director - Still deciding
Welcoming Committee Director - Gorzong (OPEN)
Department of Media and Culture - Royamen

Council of Economic Advisers - Duiveltje, Denversbest02 (Still open, High demand)
Department of Regional Development - Mikowski, Jordan Miller (Still Open)

Department of Fun - OPEN (very, VERY open 😃)
Emperor of Fungasms - The Supernatural

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

If I missed anybody, then please let me know, and I apologize in advance (I feel like I forgot someone)

Also, I need somebody who is EXTREMELY active to apply for to be the Chief of Staff. Please apply for that position (minimum e-age of 2 months) here: levitt.peter@gmail.com


Citizens - spend that extra gold that you have
Employees - don't complain about low salaries, times are hard
GMs - If your companies are suffering, contemplate an export license (Note: I will NOT sponsor export licenses unless your situation is unique, but I bet that people with big banks might)
Soldiers - Please try to fight until you hit 50 wellness, use the hospital, wait for the next day, fight to 50 wellness, use the hospital once more, fight again to low wellness, then move back to the US
Platoons 1 & 2 - Be alert
Marines - Do whatever you can to get gold and fight more

Thank you everybody,