Day 2,299, 21:16 Published in USA USA by Jude Conners


Greetings and Salutations, My eAmericans and Ajay Gipper Hut:

First and foremost, Congratulations to Gnilraps for his amazing election to Country President. Gnilraps crushed the competition, taking 58.97% of the vote. I personally wish you luck and hope that your term is as impressive as your election victory. "Feel Good, Inc." by Gorillaz should be your victory theme song. ツ

Last article, I mentioned my move to the Socialist Freedom Party and SFP's Bear Cavalry military unit. I also stated my intention to run for party president. I am at a point in both my eLife and real life where I feel I can serve the party and devote the time, energy, and enthusiasm to restore the party to its former glory. In upcoming articles in Freedom Writer, I will detail a few of the ideas and party programs I intend to begin if I am elected. I will begin tonight with my plans for Bear Cavalry.

Bear Cavalry is the official party military unit of the Socialist Freedom Party. As such, it is in a position to be a driving factor in the renewal and growth of the party as a whole. I have already spoken in the SFP Forums about changes in the unit's battle priorities, but will now offer an updated list of my plans for Bear Cavalry if elected party president.

Change in Battle Priorities:
Freedom is one of the core tenets of the Socialist Freedom Party. We hold it to be so dear to us that it is the second word in our party's name. As an party program of SFP, Bear Cavalry's Top Priority will be to fight on any and all battlefields in its defense. Freedom fighting will be the priority of each and every guerrilla commando of the Bear Cavalry. We will join together and assist any and all nations looking to achieve freedom in its occupied lands. Every state inherits the right of self-governance, and Bear Cavalry members will join the revolutionaries fighting for freedom proudly.

More importantly, game mechanics make freedom fighting a rewarding endeavor. The FF medal is one of the easiest medals to achieve. In less than two months, I have accumulated 17 FF medals and awarded 85 gold. That averages out to nearly 1.5 gold daily! Since Bear Cavalry is a self-supplied and military unit, it helps the members better supply themselves with food/weapons, which raises the damage out put, making the unit stronger.

Research and Expansion of a Unit Commune System
Since Bear Cavalry doesn't currently have an official unit commune system in operation, Bear Cavalryman MessianicNoahide has been offering fellow unit members a chance to commune in his Q6 weapons factory for a daily supply of weapons. Six spots are still available.

If elected, I will appoint MessianicNoahide to the Revolutionary Committee of the Socialist Freedom Party as the Commune Quartermaster of the SFP Bear Cavalry. I believe it is important to work with someone showing ambition and putting the weight of the party behind him to help him succeed. With the other Revolutionary Committee members, we can begin to look at the expansion of an official commune structure for Bear Cavalry, beginning with the ten slots made available for Q6 weapons by a dedicated BC member.

Regimental Re-Alignment and Re-Assignment
This is simply shifting people around the regiments. I want to make sure each regiment has an official Captain and possibly moving all communing members into one regiment as well. I will DEFINITELY be moving all of the inactive members into one regiment. This will provide more spots in regiments with active members, which will each have an official Captain. This will mean an active person in each regiment will be available to change the daily orders for their regiment. Let's reward our active members with active leaders and see if we can get the activity even higher.

The official Regiment Captains will be:
Jude Conners
Phoenix Quinn

The Cornerstone of the Future
In addition to other party-wide programs like Recruiting and more activities for party members to engage themselves with other party members, Bear Cavalry will be the cornerstone to the future of the Socialist Freedom Party. It creates a closer community within the community and offers newcomers a place to immediately be involved and invested in the party. Ursa Fi, Bear Cavalry! You are a major block of the party rebuilding!

I will talk more about my plans to reinvigorate activity into the party in the next article. I will announce my plans for rebuilding a recruitment program and the addition of other activities for party members. No sense in recruiting if there's nothing to do, right? If you have any questions, feel free to ask them below or by messaging me in game. I invite all comments, concerns, and critiques, as well as any ideas and suggestions.

Listen to the Magic Carpet Ride with Jude Connors - LIVE every Wednesday Night 20:00-23:00 eRepublik time on RadioStar.FM. You'll be glad you did!

And on that note... I'm out!

Jude Conners