[SA] I Want an Explain Between CoT - Brazil - Indonesia

Day 1,954, 00:09 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by Sang Jahus Jarzani


Bersatu dan bersama meraih Kemenangan . . .

Hail eIndonesia...!!!

Selamat Siang, Sore, Malam dan ataupun Pagi untuk eIndonesia . . .

Aaahhhhhhhh . . . .

Apakah yang sudah terjadi akhir-akhir ini mengenai Promo Plato yang menggiurkan tersebut???

Gold Mines . . .

Dimanakah Pride of Indonesia di mata COT???

Berasa masih YES MASTER jikalau seperti ini terus.

Sudah berapa kali Brazil mempercundangi Indonesia di mata aliansi kita sendiri (CoT), 1x, 2x, 3x, atau lebih?

Saya memang belum tahu terlalu banyak atas konflik intern yang terjadi, tapi semestinya Indonesia punya power lebih ketimbang Brazil yang notabene 'bukan/belum/hampir' masuk CoT, entahlah saya kurang paham, namun jika di lihat di sini http://www.erepublik.com/id/main/alliances ???

Ada Brazil ???

Kalian mengerti apa yang saya maksudkan, mungkin sudah banyak yang mengeluh kesal atas beberapa konflik yang terjadi antara Indonesia - Brazil. Yang saya tahu ini bukanlah yang pertamakali konflik terjadi antara kedua negara tersebut yang membawa nama CoT. Tapi, yang saya lihat CoT not Trust Indonesia, mereka (CoT) lebih mementingkan Brazil ketimbang salah satu anggota aliansi-nya sendiri.

Ahhh.... Ga punya BIDJI!!!

MoD memerintahkan untuk melepas Eastern Cape sesuai mandat dr COT HQ, kemungkinan supaya Brazil mendapatkan Gold Mines di Afsel. Kalian setuju?

Lihat : http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/guerra-contra-a-indon-sia-2234836/1/20 Indonesia katanya menyebalkan, kalian mau diam saja?

Padahal udah sebelah-sebelahan, dan region NT pun kok ga di ambil alih lagi?

Brazil berkata : "Damage Brazil lebih besar daripada Indonesia, jadi kami bisa mendapatkan South Afrika".

Takut ngeliat Damage Brazil?


We'are Indonesian
We're Not Afraid

Di kemanain itu Slogan Cyiiinnnnnn??????

Apakah CoT (Circle of Trust) sekarang sudah berubah menjadi CoD (Circle of Damage) ???

Jadi, sekarang CoT lebih memihak besarnya damage daripada persaudaraan?

Kalo CoT lebih memilih Brazil, saya tidak peduli.

Saya peduli saudara-saudara saya.
Hail Peru, Chile, Bulgaria, Venezuela, MKD, Serbia, South Korea, The Kiwi's Army, Latvia, eUK


United and Together Reach Victory . . .

Hail eIndonesia...!!!

Good Day, Good Evening, Good Night and Good Morning To Everyone and Indonesia . . .

Aaahhhhhhhh . . . .

What has happened lately about these lucrative Promo Plato???

Gold Mines

Where is the Pride of Indonesia???

I still feel like YES MASTER If it continues.

How many times have Brazil make Indonesian like a losers in the eyes of our own alliance (COT), 1x, 2x, 3x, or more?

I didn't know too much of the internal conflicts that happen, but Indonesia should have more power than Brazil, which in fact Brazil is 'not / not yet / almost' entry Cot, I don't know I don't understand, but if you see here http://www.erepublik.com/id/main/alliances ???

Where is Brazil ???

You understand what I mean, maybe there's a lot complain and upset over some conflict between Indonesia - Brazil. What I know, this is not the first conflict between the two countries that carry the name of the CoT.

But, I saw the CoT not Trust Indonesia, they (COT) is more concerned with Brazil than one member of his own alliance.

Ahhh .... Not have a Balls!!!

MoD (Ministry of Defense) Indonesia ordered to remove/release the Eastern Cape as mandated by dr COT HQ, the possibility that Brazil get in the South African Gold Mines. Do You agree Guys and Gays?

See http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/guerra-contra-a-indon-sia-2234836/1/20 They said Indonesia is sucks! You want to just stay quiet?

Though already side by side, and the region NT was taken over again?

Braz : "Our damage is better than eIndo so can we have South africa"
== jajajaj==

Braz rule the Alliances!!!


Are you scare with Braz Damage ????


We'are Indonesian
We're Not Afraid

Where was that slogan???

Is Cot (Circle of Trust) now has turned into CoD (Circle of Damage)???

So.... CoT Prefer More Damage than the Friendship now???

If CoT prefer to choose Brazil I dont care.

I care for my brother
Hail Peru, Chile, Bulgaria, Venezuela, MKD, Serbia, South Korea, The Kiwi's Army, Latvia, eUK

Hey CP, Don't you hear that????

So, What Next Buddy ????????????

This is WAR!!!




1st FUN

Sang Jahus Jarzani