[ro] How would you like to be your community?

Day 1,977, 02:41 Published in India India by Patanjali


antiya ashuchi duhkha anatmasu nitya shuchi sukha atman khyatih avidya. – Patanjali, Yoga Sutra
Ignoranta e de patru feluri, dupa cum provine din eroarea de a lua ceea ce e neetern ca etern, ceea ce e impur ca fiind pur, considerand ca ceea ce aduce nefericire va produce fericire si ceea ce nu este sine ca Sine.

Ignorance is of four kinds, as the error comes from taking that which is not eternal as eternal, that which is impure as pure, believing that will occur o that what brings unhappiness will bring happiness and which is not itself as Himself.

Am vazut tema de concurs propusa de amvlad, multumita unei atentionari din partea lui Lady Indra (multumesc, fiind asa de rupt de aceasta eRealitate sigur mi-ar fi scapat) si, dupa ce am intrebat initiatorul in ce limba ar trebui sa fie articolul (apropo, in eLumea asta nu mai stiu daca sunt roman sau nu), iacata ce mi-a fatat mintea.

I saw amvlad proposed theme, thanks to a warning from Lady Indra (thank you, being so far from this eReality I would sure ignored this) and, after I asked the initiator which language should be the Article (by the way in this eWorld I do not know if I’m Romanian or not), and so look what my mind foaled.

In primul rand, potriveala de a tine acest concurs de idei atat in eRomania cat si in eGrecia, m-a dus cu gandul la sarmanul Platon, care dupa ce a esuat in a indruma pe tiranul din Siracusa in treburile guvernarii insulei si regatului a scris “Legile”, probabil cea mai ... ciudata carte a europenilor, iubita de multi insa aplicata de atat de putini.
Povestea asta a lui Platon seamna cumva cu cea a diferitilor intelectuali ce il consiliaza pe Gigi Becali, in RL zilele noastre (asa a mai citi si el ceva greci antici – sau macar a auzit de ei).

First of all, the matches to have this competition with ideas both from eRomania and eGrece, reminded me to poor Plato, who, after failed to advise the tyrant of Syracuse on the island and kingdom government affairs wrote "Laws "probably the most ... strange book of Europeans, loved by many but applied by so few.
Plato's story somewhat resembles that of various intellectuals counseling Gigi Becali, in RL today (so he has read some ancient Greek - or even heard of them). (note for foreign readers, Gigi Becali is a former shepherd who entered politics and business, in RL Romania, and now represent the country at EU Council).

Sigur, metoda de lucru europeana este tipic sociala, presupune legi, aplicarea lor si completarea acestora cu sisteme de reguli sociale si de comportament.

Sure, the European work method is typically social, requesting law’s, their application systems and supplementing them with social and behavioral rules.

Tot in antichitate marii legiuitori erau de origine divina (ca in Creta sau Lacedemnia) astfel ca autoritatea lor era incontestabila si, ciudat,dar “Atenianul” din Legile, este fascinat de eficienta acestor sisteme de reglemntare, bazate pe legi divine, ce fundamenteaza si etica si morala unei societati (sistemul Spartei, de exemplu, cu mese in comun ale tuturor cetatenilor, cu pedepse pentru cei prinsi beti in cetate, cu un control genetic, chiar, strict al populatiei, etc).

All the great ancient legislators were of divine origin (as in Crete or Lacedemonia) so that their authority was undeniable and strange, but "Athenian" from Laws, is fascinated by the efficiency of these systems applicable regulations based on divine law, which underlies ethics and morals of a society (Sparta system, for example, shared commonly meals of all citizens, with penalties for those caught drinking in the city, with a genetic control, even strict eugenic, etc).

Astfel, pentru “regele filosof”, arhetipul si modelul de conducator intelept european, este de preferat un sitem autoritar de conducere unuia democratic si permisiv (tot in Legile, de exemplu, cei 3 povestesc despre cum ar trebui o cetate sa isi defineasca valorile artistice, prin vot public al cetatenilor sau prin constituirea unei comisii de oameni intelepti, trecuti de prima tinerete, ce pot evalua si efectele acelei arte asupra spuritelor mai tinere si nepregatite – motiv pentru care in Sparta nu ar fi proliferat manelele).

Thus, for the "philosopher king", archetype and model for all European wise leadership, was preferably one authoritarian ruling to one leading into remote democratic and permissive system (also in the Laws, for example, the story of those 3 about how a city should define their artistic values, by public vote of citizens or for a commission of wise men, past their first youth, which can evaluate the effects that the arts could have on younger souls, choosing the last one - which is why, in Sparta, it would not be proliferated the “Rap” music : D ).

Sigur, o sa va intrebati de ce discut despre conducatorul unei societati ?
Va raspund citand un politician din RL, destul de actual : “Nu cred ca oile vor misca vreodata lumea.”
Altfel spus, societatea (membri societatii) trebuie sa isi gaseasca modele si, majoritatea va urma si va incerca sa copieze acele modele.
Cum sunt modelele (sau elitele ori conducatorii), asa va fi si societatea, in cele din urma (cum spunea Rica Venturiano – “Familia e patria cea mică, precum patria e familia cea mare.” – studinte in drept si publicist).

Sure, you'll wonder why I talk about leading of a society ?
I will answer citing a quite actual (Romanian) politician "Do not ever think that the sheep will move the world."
In other words, society (members of society) must find models and the majority will follow and try to emulate those models.
How are models (or elites, or leaders), it will be the society too, eventually (Venturiano Rica's words - " family's youngest country, and the country's large family. [/ u]" - law student and journalist) (note for foreign readers – Rica Venturiano is a character of Ion Luca Caragiale novels, generally perceived as an idiot using great words of which sense he is not aware – typically Romanians avoid to solve the problem and make fun of it).

Asa, inca din antichitate oamenii (Aristotel mai exact) au definit deja felurile in care poate fi condusa si/sau guvernata o cetate, cum puteti vedea mai jos (simpatice analogii)

So, since ancient times, people (ie Aristotle) already defined ways to manage and / or govern a city, as you can see above (nice analogy) (kingship – father and sons; tyranny – father treats sons like slaves; aristocracy – husband and wife; oligarchy – one of spouses extend too much he’s power; timocracy – brotherhood; democracy – stray home; green = natural relations; red = denatured relations)

Interesant de observat ca si pentru Aristotel democratia este un sistem denaturat, similar cu o casa fara stapani (Timocratia ar fi, in putine cuvinte, un sistem similar celui de guvernare locala din Transilvania inainte de unire, in care jumatate din Consiliile Locale erau formate din cei mai mari platitori de taxe si impozite – respectiv proprietari, doar acestia avand drept de vot in Timocratie si nu si cei ce stau in chirie sau la parinti).

Interestingly, for Aristotle democracy is a distorted system, similar to a stray home (Timocracy would, in few words, be a similar system of local governance in German European area around 1900, in which half of the Councils were formed by the biggest tax payers - the owner only have the right to vote in Timocracy and not those who are in a rented house or on those of them parents).

Sigur, de la Aristotel mai putem retine (din Etica Nicomahica) stransa legatura intre dreptate si prietenie, in sensul ca trebuie sa fii drept (cinsitit, etc) doar fata de cei ce iti sunt prieteni, cu care, intr-un fel sau altul formezi un grup (ideile antice nu sufereau de influenta crestinismului, ce le este ulterior, asa ca sclavii, ce erau barbari, puteau fi tratati oricum, pentru ca ei nu puteau intra in cercul de prieteni ai unui atenian).

Sure, we can retain from Aristotle (in Nicomachean Ethics) close connection between justice and friendship, in the sense that you have to be right (honest, etc) only to those who are your friends, who, in one way or another form a group (ancient ideas did not have the influence of Christianity, which is later, and so the slaves, who were barbarians, could be treated anyway, because they could not get into the circle of friends of an Athenians).

Pentru toate aceste motive o sa ma indrept spre un alt model social, mult mai estic fata de noi, cel a Indiei clasice, ce a dezvoltat sub dinastia Maurya si Satavahana, un sistem de societate a cunoasterii.
Initial “vihara” erau un soi de adaposturi, pe care calugarii (ce nu aveau manastiri, ci pribegeau prin lume) sa le poate folosi ca adapost in anotimpul ploios. Mai apoi, ele au inceput sa se inmulteasca pe langa drumurile din nordul Indiei, avand astfel si avantajul ca trecatorii puteau oferi danii calugarilor, in mancare, de obicei.

For all these reasons I'll head for a different social model, far east from us, the classical India, which has developed under the Maurya and Satavahana dynasty, a system of knowledge society.
Initially "vihara" were a sort of shelters that monks (that had no monasteries, but wandered in the world) can use them in the rainy season. Then, they began to grow along the roads of northern India, thus having the advantage that passersby could provide donations for monks, in food, usually.

Astfel, ajungand ele sa fie la indemana oamenilor, multi dintre ei au inceput sa vina la aceste “vihara” pentru a cere sfaturi, a cauta cunoastere, cam asa cum ar trebui sa faca si crestinii cand merg la preot.
Diferenta este ca aceste “vihara” si calugarii de acolo au inceput sa raspandeasca un fel special de cunoastere, apoi au inceput sa isi structureze (similar cu bisericile crestine) o serie de manastiri, universitati, scoli si alte sedii, pentru a putea sa comunice la cat mai multi oameni ce trebuie sa faca in viata lor si care este calea salvarii.

Thus, getting them to be handy to the people, many of them started coming to these "vihara" for advice, to seek knowledge, so as Christians should do when they go to the priest.
The difference is that these "vihara" and the monks in there, began to spread a special kind of knowledge, then began to structure (similar to Christian churches) a number of monasteries, universities, schools and other locations to be able to communicate to more people what they have to do in their lives and which is the path of salvation.

Ar mai fi multe de spus despre ce si cum au gandit si au facut oamenii in istoria lor pentru a gasi o forma de guvernare care sa le fie potrivita (macar unora dintre ei), despre felul cum traind intr-o anumita forma de guvernare oamenii tind sa dezvolte anumite comportamente, sa fie atrasi de anumite idei, etc.

There would be much more to say about why and how people thought and did in their history to find a form of government that would be suitable (at least for some of them), about how living in some form of government people tend to develop certain behaviors, to be attracted to certain ideas, etc.

Si pentru ca initiatorul avea nevoie de cateva solutii, sau macar idei de solutionare, o sa incerc sa schitez cateva (dar sub rezerva ca ele nu vor putea multumi pe toti, ci doar pe cei pe care ii avantajeaza, pentru ca si aici e tot cum zicea Rica Venturiano: “Ori toți să muriți, ori toți să scăpăm!”).

And because the initiator need some solutions or even ideas to answer he’s question, I'll try to sketch some (but aware that they will not be able to please everyone, but only those they favor, so here's also as Rica Venturiano say: " Either you all die, or we all escape! [/ u]").

Lipsa de educatie si civilizatie nu poate fi compensata in aceasta realitate virtuala (insa am semne clare ca poate fi ajutata) pentru ca, in Romania de exemplu, chiar educatia privitor la normele de civilizatie este cea care lipseste cu desavarsire in sistemul de invatamant.
Asa ca, pentru a avea o eSocietate in care oamenii sa poata trai ceva mai fericiti, in opinia mea, trebuie sa existe (sine qua non) o elita de oameni responsabili cu educarea celorlalti, oameni care ar fi preferabil sa se abtina de la implicare in dezbaterile politice sau scandalurile publice.

Lack of education and civilization can not be compensated in this virtual reality (but I have clear signs that could be helped) because, in Romania for example, even education regarding the rules of civilization is what is missing in the education system.
So to have a eSociety where people can live happier, in my opinion, there must be (sine qua non) an elite responsible for educating other people, people who would have preferred to abstain from involvement in political debates and public scandals.

Mai apoi ar trebui ca insasi societatea, sau parte din ea, sa faca efortul de a discuta si agreea un set de reguli comune, pe care sa le impuna apoi membrilor sai ca norme de comportament. Sigur, aceasta ar trebui sa se reflecte in si celebra “mecanica a jocului”, altfel orice demers pentru asta fiind stupid si impotent.
Inteleg ca un om nu oate fi prieten cu toti ceilalti oameni (motiv pentru care se poate comporta oricum cu ceilalti, care nu-i sunt prieteni) insa un asemenea demers ar fi de natura sa ... “oficializeze” un grup mai mare de prieteni.

Then should the society itself, or part of it, to make an effort to discuss and agree a set of rules that enforce to them members as norms of behavior. Sure, it should be reflected in the famous "game mechanics", or any action for doing this became stupid and impotent.
I understand that a man could not be friends with all the other people (which is why they can behave anyway with others who are not friends), but such an approach would be likely to ... "Formalize" a large group of friends.

La fel, cata vreme eTarile nu se vor putea distinge intre ele prin optiunea asupra unui anumit sistem politic si a diferentei de instrumente la indemana pentru aceasta, nici eforturile de conducere nu isi prea au sensul, toata actiunea de conducere avand loc, in fapt, in afara jocului, ca urmare a unor reguli sau intelegeri intre diferite persoane. Mai multe despre asta aici .

So, as long eCountry’s will not be able to distinguish between them by clicking on a specific political system, creating so a difference of them handy tool for management, nor the efforts to rule does not really have a meaning, leading all the action taking place, in fact, out of play, following rules or understandings between different people. More on this here [/ url].

I’m sure you got the message.

Meri shubhkaamanaaye aapke saath hai !
All best wishes to all !