Day 1,568, 15:34 Published in Romania Romania by Alex Sand

Dupa recentele schimbari “in bine” ale “onorabilei” Administratii a jocului, a mai venit timpul ca aceasta sa mai dea o chifla: unificarea pietei monetare. O miscare care nu face bine nimanui, nici jucatorilor si pe termen lung nici insusi administratorilor jocului.

Dati-mi voie sa ma explic.

Initial am crezut ca din ratiuni financiare (gandind ca modulul de piata financiara consuma foarte multe resurse) administratia nu a mai dorit sa bage mana in buzunarul si asa din ce in ce mai stramt in ultima vreme si sa mai cumpere niste servere care sa duca tot traficul de informatii.

Dar mi-am dat seama ca de fapt mutarea aceasta a fost pregatita din timp si cu alte scopuri.
Nu se poate sa nu fi observat si voi ca pe pietele financiare ale diferitelor e-state au avut loc in ultimele cateva zile fluctuatii importante ale cursurilor moneda locala - gold.

Astfel, cereri de vanzare a goldului, care zaceau pe piata de multa vreme, acolo unde moneda locala avea o valoare mai mica de 1000 de unitati, au fost onorate brusc urcand pretul, pe cand ocolo unde pretul acestuia era mai mare de 1300-1500 de unitati, au aparut cereri de vanzare de cateva zeci sau sute de unitati gold, din partea unor “org-uri” (uneori chiar si cu diferente de sute de unitati in monezile locale), fortand coborarea pretului de vanzare a goldului.

Toate astea, pentru o unificare cat de cat posibila a pretului goldului la nivel e-mondial care sa usureze tranzitia la piata financiara unificata.

Miscarea de unificare a pietei financiare, va duce in scurt timp si la nivelarea preturilor de vanzare a materiilor prime (RAW), cat si a produselor finite (arme si food) pe toate pietele. Diferentele mai mari existente in aceste zile la RAW vor fi recuperate in cateva zile, la arme si food diferentele fiind date doar de nivelul taxei TVA stabilita de fiecare tara in parte.

NOTA BENE : tarile cu TVA mic vor deveni mai atractive pentru a vinde produsele finite. Aviz noilor e-presedinti alesi!

Pe cine avantajeaza aceasta miscare?

Pe jucator in mod singur NU! Acesta nu va mai avea decat optiunea de a munci si de a vinde produsul muncii sale pe piata. Cei care au apucat sa-si construiasca mai multe ferme sau mine pentru productia de RAW sau au mai multe fabrici, vor fi probabil mai castigati.

Cei care au mai mult timp de pierdut in fata calculatorului, vor putea sa mai speculeze mici cantitati de RAW prin diferente de pret a celor care le pun la vanzare cu o sutime sau doua in minus. Si cam atat!

Unitatile Militare? Hmmm... Cele care faceau echiparea bazandu-se pe firmele pe care le aveau nu vor avea de suferit prea mult, pe cand la cele la care echiparea se facea din cumpararea armelor si a mancarii de pe piata … adio echipare, cel putin la acelasi nivel!

Paradoxal dar avantajate par sa fie guvernele e-tarilor care nu vor mai trebui sa alerge pe mai multe piete financiare sa vanda gold si sa cumpere armele necesare echiparilor in cazul campaniilor militare de anvergura.

Deci cine castiga? ADMINISTRATORII jocului EVIDENT!
Prin faptul ca nu mai exista posibilitatea specularii valutelor si respectiv a RAW-ului pe pietele diferitelor tari, cei care doresc sa creasca mai rapid d.p.d.v. economic, vor trebui sa bage mana adanc in buzunar pana ce o gasesc pe prietena lor ….VISA, si sa cumpere gold. Ceilalti vor gasi in buzunar … pe cealalta … prietena! 😁

Strategia asta are insa si un revers. In primul rand ca administratia va trebui sa se obisnuiasca cu ideea ca va pierde banii pe care ii obtinea din vanzarea licentelor de vanzare a produselor finite pe alte piete, lincente care in acest moment au devenit inutile.

In al doilea rand, “uciderea” interesului pentru modulul economic, pe langa pierderea interesului pentru modului militar (unde deja foarte multi jucatori sunt scarbiti ca exista posibilitate ca anumiti gameri care nu au alta abilitate decat aceea de a da cu cardul lor sau a lui taticu’, pot sa realizeze pe scurtatura ceea ce in mod normal dureaza mult timp) si a modului politic (dominat si manipulat intr-o buna masura de clone), va face ca pe termen lung multi jucatori sa fie plictisiti de simplul munca-antrenament-lupta zilnic si sa spuna adio jocului. Lucru care in mod sigur nu va baga mai multi bani in buzunarele adminilor.

Cu alte cuvinte prin ultima lor mutare adminii s-ar putea sa fi dat un overkill, caz in care END OF GAME!

Pentru shout la prieteni:

[EN] English version

After recently changes, "in better" of the "honorable" Administration of the game, has time for it once more to a roll unification money market. A movement that does not benefit anyone, nor players and on the long-term nor game administrators himself.

Let me explain you.

Initially I thought that financial reasons (thinking the financial market module consumes a lot of resources) administration did not want to kick his tightlly pocketin the last time, and to buy some servers to take all traffic information.

But I actually realized that this move was prepared in advance and for the other purposes.
You may not be noticed on the financial markets of different e-states in the last few days was important fluctuations of local currency - gold courses.

Thus, requests to sell the gold that lay in the market for a long time, where the local currency was worth less than 1,000 units, was honored quickly, while where its prices was higher than 1300 to 1500 units, appeared a couple of sales applications with hundred units of gold, from some "org’s" (sometimes even with differences of hundreds of units in local currencies), forcing lowering the selling price of gold.

All of this, for a union as possible as of the gold price at e-world, to ease the transition to an unified financial market.

Movement for unification of the financial markets will soon lead to leveling selling prices to raw materials (RAW) and finished products (weapons and food) in all markets. Larger differences existing in RAW these days will be recovered within a few days, the weapons and food differences were only given from VAT level set by each country.

JUST REMEMBER: countries with lower VAT will become more attractive to sell finished products. Notice to the new e-presidents elected!

Who gain form this movement?

The single player surely NOT! He will only have the option to work and sell their work product on the market. Those who allready have more farms or mines for the production of RAW or have more factories, will probably be better off.

Those who have more time to spend in the front of their computer will be able to exploit small amounts of RAW, from the difference of the sale prices the other players make with a hundredth or two less. And that's all!

Military units? Hmmm ... Those who were equipment based on their companies that were not going to suffer too much, while those in which equipment is made of buying food and weapons on the market ... goodbye, at least the same level!

Paradoxically but seem to be advantaged countries e-government, will not more needs to run on the financial markets to sell gold and buy weapons necessary for large-scale military campaigns equipment.

So who wins? ADMINISTRATORS game of course!
The fact: that there was no possibility of exchange speculation and that's the RAW markets of different countries, the player who want to grow faster economically, will have to stick his hand deep into his pocket until they find their friend .... VISA, and buy gold. Others will find in their pockets... the other ... friend! 😁

But this strategy has a reverse. First, the administration will have to get used to the idea that they lose all of the money they get from selling licenses for finished products to other markets, licenses which now have become unnecessary.

Second, "killing" interest to economic module, besides loss of interest from the military module (where many players already are disgusted that there is possibility that some gamers who have no other skill than to use their credit card or daddy card, can make a shortcut from that normally can be done in a long time), and political module (dominated and manipulated in a good measure of clones), will make the players to be bored by simple dailly work-training -fight and say goodbye to the game. Which surely will not put more money into the pockets of the administrators.

In other words, by their last movement admins might have given an overkill, in which case END OF GAME!

For shouting to frien😛