[RFA] From the Heart of a Vibrant Party

Day 729, 08:44 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Radical Freethinkers Alliance
RFA | Forums

Party Cabinet |Election Fever! | Party Poltics |Alternative Freethinking

Welcome to another RFA party update! This week has been an exciting one for the party; we welcome our new party leader BarneyMonkeyMan who is already mobilising us for a second place push. The forums are a hive of activity and we have a lot of upcoming talent within our ranks.

Party Cabinet

The new RFA cabinet is starting to move into gear, which is a great opportunity for new players to take on roles and be mentored by older players, giving them valuable incite into the different aspects of the erep world. Focus this month is on recruitment and promoting activity within the forums! Feel free to sign up and get involved!

VPP - RyanMcCulloch
Advertising Executive - IndieKid
Press Officer - the_dows, Comandante Boyd
Entertainments Officer- Skillz88
New Members Ambassador- lap12345
Recruiters - Andy Millward, the_dows, ben clew, (Still Open Good for New members of the Party)
Election Co - KaisKais
Other Parties Ambassador - GGRyan
Deputy Other Parties Ambassador - Still open
Head Regional Gatherer - KaisKais
Regional info gather - ben clew, (can do other duties as well) 13 regions to cover (Still Open Can be held by anyone even if they have another duty)
Operations Manager - finest01 "

Election Fever!

Currently intense discussions are underway about both congress and presidential elections. This month discussions have come with an unusual twist which has sparked fierce debate, to read the whole thing and voice your opinion sign up now!

Party Politics

The RFA as a whole tends to stay out of bickering party politics because of the very nature and core ideals of the party. Last month we were accused (when we ran AltmerVampire, ex-PP and predominant party member) by the left of backing the right. Whilst it’s true that AV was supported by right wing parties, the left were approached but because they refuse to compromise and work for the best interests of the UK behind a candidate that could unite the country, they chose to support their own (which to an extent is fair enough)

There are those that said AV shouldn’t run simply because he would be beaten by Woldy. I need to ask what is wrong with decent opposition. TUP have a stranglehold of power over this country and that has left them complacent. What is needed is a clear, critical fresh look at British Politics before it stagnates under TUP domination.


Alternative Freethinking

Here at the RFA we have some of the brightest minds in the country which engage in our many forum debates detailing the pros/cons of the way the country is governed and alternate solutions (an example being the Military Spending vs Economic development debate) What are you waiting for? Go get involved!

I hope you enjoyed my update, for a great party filled with lots of helpful friends, advice and interesting and stimulating debate sign up to the RFA today!

Press Executive