***Resistance War Games, Success!***

Day 468, 16:13 Published in USA USA by Uncle Sam

Today I introduce a system that will hopefully be continued for the next month, regardless of who wins the election. Many Americans wish to get involved in wars, and we've been working diligently to bring you these opportunities. If we want to enter some real wars, we must first send our soldiers to the training grounds to give them better opportunities to rank up and become strong and experienced in war. The war with Mexico has offered this chance.

How we Rawr
Here's how these resistance war games go down. Every Monday and Friday night we will have a citizen start a Resistance War in Baja. Baja was selected for this operation as it possesses no strategic advantage to us in location, so if by some odd chance we end up losing it through the resistance war, we don't risk and major loss. So in short we start a resistance war, and American fights for the defenders as to not lose the region. here's more details on the event.

-Resistance War Games (RWG) will be held ever Monday and Friday night.
-American's are to fight for the Defenders and build up the wall.
-Military involvement is optional for training and efficiency testing.
-Tanks maybe used as last minute resort to ensure the region isn't lost.
-RWG will always be in the territory Baja until a more suitable region is secured.

As you can see, this process is quite simple however thought out so that nothing will go wrong in the process. All that's required is citizen involvement.

Benefits of Resistance War Games
America has much to gain from these games, most important is the military experience. All citizens have the opportunity to fight in these war games and get rank up for a stronger military America. Citizens will gain experience points as well, helping them to unlock features quicker. Also, if done right, war games will allow our population to cash in on a wellness boost twice a week.

We have also chosen to set these war games on a schedule so that the USA population can get accustom to when War Games will happen and so that we have more involvement in the activity as time goes on. There will be exceptions to this when we are actually involved in a real war and must focus attention on more important battles, however this scheduled system will give the country perfect opportunities to have war twice a week. The wars will stimulate the economy, keeping the weapons sector constantly alive as well as gifting. Finally war is fun and having access to battles often only adds to the fun we can have in this game.


Post War Games Success
After a day of intense fighting, the USA and her citizens put up a wall of 135K in these resistance war games. I'd like people to keep in mind that most people were fighting with only Q1 weapons or even bare handed! if we do that much damage alone, there's no way any country will be able to take a region away from us via resistance war, unless of course they want to spend around 1000 gold on the event.

Many Americans had the chance to fight in the first of many war games to come. I would like everyone to know that come Friday night, (if I'm still in office) we will continue these war games and benefit from more experience in fighting. Constant wellness boosts, economic stimulus and the opportunity to rank up are all present in these war games, so be sure to get involved next time!

Thanks for fighting
-Uncle Sam-
USA President