[RECCE's COMMS] Day 1649

Day 1,649, 02:59 Published in South Africa Poland by StanEslah


This week was not a great week for the MU, our active members dropped from 15 to 13 active members.
Reemond and Jo Mohr were dismissed for lack of activity (over 5 days without fighting)

The following members ranked up in the last week, congratulations!
Peter Slim ranked up to Supreme Marshal
Marsha.L ranked up to Supreme Marshal
Enriche2Ribeiro ranked up to Field Marshal*
Tyler Perry ranked up to Field Marshal*
Don Vin ranked up to General**
Montrico ranked up to Commander***
Somabaggio76 ranked up to Commander***
Allyson ranked up to Lieutenant***

Roll Call
Roll call attendance was marginally better with 66% attendance. A caution has been issued to all those who missed roll call

Please ensure that you acknowledge this weeks roll call by commenting below the article

Don Vin and Enriche2Ribeiro have been assigned as 2nd commanders and will be taking on more duties in the next few weeks

the Wiki is in the process of being revamped, please take a look and comment (http://wiki.erepublik.com/index.php/RECCE%27s)

Government Payouts to MU's
The is a proposal in government to use some of the budget for MU's. This is not final yet, but should happen soon.
I dont have numbers yet, but the payouts will be shared between the top 5 MU's based on various criteria.
I will keep the mu informed of any developments

Keep fighting! Keep Strong!