[R&A] [外電]南巴爾幹半島互不侵犯協議

Day 2,844, 23:23 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by strangerthe

[MoFA] Southern Balkans NAP
[MoFA] Southern Balkans NAP / Јужно-Балкански Пакт за ненапаѓање
[MoFA] Southern Balkans NAP / Южнобалкански пакт за ненападение

The government of Skopje, government of Athens and government of Sofia have reached the following agreement:

1. The government of Athens will release the original regions to the government of Skopje and no new Natural Enemy laws will be proposed between them. The government of Skopje shall be responsible for initiating the resistance wars and the governments will coordinate for the regions’ release, beginning with Povardarie.
1. 雅典政權將釋出史高比耶政權的原有領土並且彼此之間不再提出新的天敵案。史高比耶政權應統籌並協調起義戰的開始及領土的歸還,第一塊領土為Povardarie。

2. As soon as the agreement is published by the government of Skopje, the government of Athens and the government of Sofia, and is ratified, the government of Sofia will propose a No Natural Enemy law and after that a peace law will be started by both parties. All remaining regions will be returned to the government of Athens.
2. 一旦此協議由史高比耶、雅典及蘇菲亞政權公告且批准後,蘇菲亞政權將提出空白的天敵案,隨後雙方將提出和平協議。所有被佔領的領土將歸還給雅典政權。

3. All signing parties will keep their respective original regions, meaning none of them have aspirations towards each other’s regions.
3. 所有簽署此協議的國家將保有各自的原有領土,亦即不再侵占他國之領土。

4. No Natural Enemy, Declare War or Airstrike laws will be proposed by undersigned parties against any member of this agreement.
4. 簽署此協議的國家彼此間不得提出天敵法案、宣戰及空襲戰。

5. No Military Take Overs (Dictatorships) or Political Take Overs (PTOs) will be organised or supported by undersigned parties against any member of this agreement.
5. 簽署此協議的國家彼此間不得規劃軍事顛覆(獨裁)或政治顛覆。

6. No Combat Orders from national Military Units controlled by a signing party will be set against any of the other signing parties.
6. 簽署此協議的國家所統領的國家級軍團彼此間不得設定作戰命令。

The preceding agreement shall come into effect immediately upon publication by all three signing parties, on date September 3, 2015, and remain in effect until date November 7, 2015.

Signed by:

Country Presidents:

Ministers of Foreign Affairs:
Severrus Snape