[Presidential] IRON FIST

Day 917, 01:10 Published in USA India by Abhi347

As You all know, USA have been very good and a very honorable friend of India. It helped us to get freedom from Indonesia and Iran and for such a great friendship, we gifted Karnataka to USA and in return they giving us gold. But the major problem of that time was the PTO situation which we thought will stop when we rented out our high Iron, but it got even worse. Also USA frequently tells us that the Karnataka iron is causing problems to its other raw material sectors and we completely understand their point of view.
So we now feel that we should take Karnataka and keep it open for us to try and administer as a free trade zone. let me tell you we do not wish to be anti EDEN or anti Phoenix. We are neutral and will remain Neutral. We wish to give all nations an equal opportunity to be our trade partners
and would like to build relations with our neighbor Iran too.
For long we have been accused of being puppets but we have a fierce identity of our own
and we were indebted to USA for the help they gave us and which we believe has been repaid in good faith since the last few months.

We would now like to try and earn and build up our gold reserves and try and play around with the free trade concept.
If as an experiment it does not succeed, we shall invite other nations and rent the region out to them
but we deserve this chance and we hope we get support from nations around the world.

The final decision will be taken of course after discuss this matter with Indian active population. A msg to the USA President has been sent already and I am awaiting his reply.

PS: If you want to peep into the contract between India and USA, See Here

Thanks Ashwamedh and Shail for supporting me in the decision.
Please vote this article in India also here

Country President

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