[President] Why you shall fight all you can in next week

Day 2,244, 06:21 Published in Denmark Denmark by Kristian Klausen

English version below
Dansk version
Deltagelse i konkurrence for mindre nationer
Jeg har i forbindelse med min indtræden som præsident fået en besked fra eIrland. eIrland afholder fra i næste uge af en turnering hvor alle lande med mindre end 400 indbyggere er inviteret. Der er ikke nogen krav om donationer, men præmiepuljen vil bestå af donationer fra lande, militærenheder og enkeltpersoner. eDanmark har ingen planer om at bistå med donationer, men har du som enkeltperson lyst til at donere penge til præmiepuljen, kan du skrive en privatbesked til mig, så finder vi ud af hvornår/hvem du skal donerer pengene til.
Hvad skal jeg gøre?
Meningen er at præmierne baseres ud fra skade uddelt i ugen som turneringen varer. Præmierne vil blive uddelt til top 3 i flere kategorier. Så hvis du kæmper alt hvad du kan, så vil du øge chancerne for at a) du vinder en individuel præmie, b) den militærenhed du er medlem af vinder en præmie eller c) at dit land vinder en præmie.
Hvem modtager præmierne?
I sin artikel om turneringen har det irske undenrigsministerie beskrevet hvem der modtager præmierne. Artiklen kan ses her eller nedenfor.

Top International Damage
Nations with most damage done in 7 days
Prizes: 1st,2nd,3rd
Top International Kill count
Nations with highest kill count in 7 days
Prizes: 1st,2nd,3rd
Top MU Damage
MUs with most damage done in 7 days
Prizes: Top 10,1st,2nd,3rd
Top MU kill count
MUs with highest kill count in 7 days
Prizes: 1st,2nd,3rd
Top Individual Damage
Citizens with most damage done in 7days
Prizes: Top 10,1st,2nd,3rd
Top Individual Kill count
Citizens with highest kill count in 7days
Prizes 1st,2nd,3rd

Så bidrag til at eDanmark kan vinde præmier, Kæmp alt hvad du kan i næste uge(tirsdag til tirsdag).

Reklame: Hvis du bruger Facebook, så giv os da endelig 'et like' - https://www.facebook.com/erepdk, her vil vi opdatere om tykt og tyndt.

Din præsident
Kristian Klausen

English Version
Fight all you can in next week
When I became elected as Denmark's president I received a message from the Irish MoFA. eIreland are hosts for a new competition. All countries with less than 400 citizens were invited. Some of these countries won't participate. However we decided that since it does not cost anything to participate we want to participate. The rewards grows as donations are made. We have no plans to donate as a country, but if you want to donate as a private person you can contact me in a private message, then we find out to whom and when you shall donate.
What do you want me to do?
We want you to fight all you can from Tuesday next week and the next 7 days if you do this you increase your, your MU and your country's chances of winning prizes.
Who will win a prize?
In it's article the Irish MoFA wrote about who will receive a reward. The article can be seen here or below.

Top International Damage
Nations with most damage done in 7 days
Prizes: 1st,2nd,3rd
Top International Kill count
Nations with highest kill count in 7 days
Prizes: 1st,2nd,3rd
Top MU Damage
MUs with most damage done in 7 days
Prizes: Top 10,1st,2nd,3rd
Top MU kill count
MUs with highest kill count in 7 days
Prizes: 1st,2nd,3rd
Top Individual Damage
Citizens with most damage done in 7days
Prizes: Top 10,1st,2nd,3rd
Top Individual Kill count
Citizens with highest kill count in 7days
Prizes 1st,2nd,3rd

We hope that you give all you can in the next week to secure that eDenmark will win some money and tanks.

Commercial: If you use Facebook, please give us a like - https://www.facebook.com/erepdk, here we will update on things in eDenmark.

Your president
Kristian Klausen