[President] Statement about the Baltic situation

Day 1,188, 08:19 Published in Finland Finland by Erwin Schauman

Honorable allies, (English speaking) citizens of Finland,

As you all know, ten days ago Finland entered in a training war with Estonia in order to improve the bilateral relations between our two countries, as well as to gain economic benefits and to strengthen our respective armed forces.

At the time the training war was negotiated, Estonia still had an active training war with Latvia. We were convinced by the Estonian leadership that the faux war with Latvia would be closed due to some grievances that had flared up during its course.

That was the reason why they sought us to be their new training partner. It was only after our training war had started that it became clear that Latvia had no intention of closing theirs.

After the rejection to close the training war, the situation quickly escalated. The leaders of Latvia and Estonia started arguing over the training war and previously unsolved issues were brought on the table. Old wounds were opened, accusations were thrown, insults were not spared. The relations rapidly deteriorated and brought the two Baltic nations on the brink of a real war.

It was then decided that in order to prevent the Baltic region from being engulfed in the flames of war - an incident that would destabilize the region and unavoidably attract attention from the more unscrupulous neighboring nations that greedily desire its resources - Finland would have to intervene.

In cooperation with the Estonian leaders, we moved to erase the border between the two feuding nations to conclude the war and end the animosity it caused. It was our honest believe that this would bring stability to the region and re-establish friendly relations between Latvia and Estonia.

It was our last, best hope for peace. It failed...

This declaration of war places Finland in a difficult position where on the one side we have a nation with whom we have tried to warm our relations in the past months, and with whom we have negotiated mutually beneficial region swaps and training war deals, and on the other side we have an EDEN co-fighter and alliance brother.

And both sides have requested our support.

Should we help our Latvian alliance brothers, we would be taking an unfair advantage of the situation where we have conquered Estonian regions in cooperation with the Estonian authorities. Similarly, should we reject the call for assistance by one of our allies, we'd bring dishonor to our country.

Whichever side we choose, we end up betraying the trust given to us.

The Government of Finland, after carefully contemplating on the situation, has formed the following statement that it now wishes to make public:

It is our desire to deepen our relations with both the nations of Latvia and Estonia, and together build a foundation for future cooperation and mutual defense.

We find the recent turn of events most regrettable. Not only does it create another obstacle on the road to Baltic unity, it also forces us to choose between the two countries. Choosing one would cause us to lose the other.

It's not something we want.

In the current situation, we cannot honorably commence hostilities towards Estonia in order to aid Latvia in their campaign. It should not be our way to backstab nations we have existing agreements with, and with whom we've gained territories through mutual cooperation.

We already caused irrevocable damage to our Latvian relations by intervening in the war, and that should act as a sign of warning not to repeat the mistake.

Facing a situation where two friendly nations call for our assistance, Finland has no other choice but to choose not to aid either one in destroying the other. We are bound by our alliance to aid Latvia, but we cannot take advantage of the way Estonia has allowed us to pass in their country.

We therefore declare that Finland starts an immediate withdrawal of its forces from Estonia. If we choose to join Latvia in their war of conquest in the future, we will ONLY do it after all the Estonian regions we possess have been returned to their rightful owner, and old borders have been reached!

Anything else would be against our code of honor.

I ask all foreign forces fighting in the war to respect our decision, and aid the Estonians in reacquiring their lands!

-Erwin Schauman
President of Finland