[President] Explaining my Decision in Regards to the MPP with UK.

Day 803, 07:03 Published in Germany Belgium by Konrad Neumann

In this article I will address the concerns and the fears of my recent decision not to sign the MPP with the UK. It will also address in better details, I hope, of my decision. Since this is not a new announcement and is more of an Op-Ed article, I will use my own paper and not that of the official governmental one.

The reason behind this decision is for the security and well being of Germany. We had an MPP with the UK. Since Poland attacked the home/ natural boundary of UK, this triggers our MPP, making us automatically at war with Poland. Poland gets a free pass to attack Germany again if they want and it cost them nothing to do so. Not renewing the MPP offers us huge benefits. It deters Poland from declaring war on us and even if they did declare war, it gives us time to prepare. When I say deters Poland from declaring war on us I am referring to eRep rules which states the cost of declaring war is "200 Gold + 10% * number of citizens able to fight (having at least 5 level in attacking country)." If you calculate that for Poland it would cost them around 6000-7000 gold. Will they waste that much gold for Bavaria and Saarland? No, since right now they have access to high resource regions. Besides Poland only wants Berlin which is why they build a Q5 hospital there. Before with the MPP enforce they might go and take us out but with a price of 6000+ gold, the cost is too high, much higher than the reward making it an unlikely move. I also mentioned that it gives us time to prepare. When declaring war, like all congress proposal, it takes 24 hours for the congress to vote yes or no on the proposal. This will give us the time to prepare our the defense of our homeland and also gives time for our allies to coordinate better. This decision not to renew the MPP at this time and I want the stress NOT RENEWING THE MPP AT THIS TIME offer us the most benefit. When condition changes, I will be more than happy to renew it.

I understand your concerns and your frustration. To the company owners, I understand that you might be hurting a bit. However, many business owners cannot afford a new Polish license. If Germany dies, so will their fortunes. Also I am the President of eGermany, your nation. I am not the president of your company. I place Germany first and I hope you do too. While I care about the economy I will gladly offer security and stability over short term profits.

To those who want to stand with our allies, we are not abandoning our allies. Like I said I talked with the Prime Minister of the UK Dishmcds and with other key government members like GlaDOS and Woldy. Phoenix also recommend this plan. While some of us want to continue to block indefinitely, not taking this course of action only hinders our allies. eGermany is weak. Our civilian army is weak and cannot do much damage. Therefore, if Poland do attack us, that means Phoenix must stop whatever we they are doing and they must help us. We are not at a point in which we are self sufficient in our own defense especially against Poland. Furthermore, we can help our friends in the UK. We have most of our troops in foreign nations like the UK itself or other nations which have MPP with the UK. They can still offer aid and assistance if they needed. It is us that needs Phoenix and not the other way around. If we continue with the MPP at this time regardless of good intentions, we are only hindering Phoenix ad making Phoenix fight with one of his arms tied to the back.

I also heard some people recommend that we sign more MPP's with other nations so that this will boost our defense. I just want to refer back to January 5th. At that time, we have MPP with Hungary, Russia, Indonesia, Turkey, Brazil, Iran, and many others. I am not blaming them as Poland have all of Eden and the battle could of gone either ways, but the solution is not signing more MPP's etc. Also most of the damage are done by professional tanks who does not rely on MPP to fight in the first place. While MPP helps greatly, it is not the determining factor which guarantees our survival and security.

To those who cares about our new German citizens or who themselves are new citizens, I sympathize with you. My heart goes towards you the most. I am in a damn if you do and damn if you don't dilemma. I needed to act and which offers all eGermans and eGermany itself the max benefit/ good. I can easily renew the MPP with the UK. That is the easiest thing to do. I do not need to explain myself to some disgruntled citizens. I do not need to face attack ads etc. I could do things the easy way but it will not benefit Germany and our allies. It will burden our allies too. If Poland attacks, it will most likely result in the destruction of Germany again. I am not a defeatist but this is most likely to take place. What about our new citizens then? Ship them to the UK? Russia? Tell them to stay in Poland and RW again? Our babyboom efforts will die if this happens. In Galaxynews.de erep dropped many places. We had about 11,000 votes and we have about 5000-6000 now. Our new citizens need eGermany more than a few extra days of war. People who are worry about the baby/ new citizens, me too. It is because I care and I care for them the most out of the people listed here, I am doing everything I can to make sure they will do well. They need eGermany the most as the survival of our lands is the survival of their interest and drive for the game. RL Germans do not want to play as ePoles or Russians etc. It is because of the babies, more than ever we must care for our land over than some short term exp gains or profit.

I read some articles in the past few days and I really find them interesting. They criticize my government and myself which I feel it is perfectly ok and warranted however, I am concerned with some of the facts. I know that this policy offers the most good for all parties involved. I hope this article better explains my reasons and that it addresses your concerns. I acknowledge that my first attempt in explaining my reason might be vague or hard to comprehend. I failed to explain it properly and indeed I apologize and I am sorry for that. I will be on the IRC today and if you still have questions or concerns, please stop by and we can work together to resolve it.

What you want is pretty much the same as what I want. I do not enjoy lower wellness or the lack of battles which hinders my growth. I do not enjoy buying expensive food and staying in an area with a bleak economy. I want what you want. Therefore, I want to make it clear that we are on your side. I cannot change eGermany from rags to riches overnight. This will take a few different presidential terms. I cannot magically with a wave of a magic wand to make Germany a new super power etc. If you want a strong and vibrant Germany, we must make sure that it is safe so that we can rebuild ourselves. We must make sure that we are not hindering our allies.

The road towards progress is not an easy path. There will be hardship and sacrifices like this. I will never ask my friends and citizens to do the impossible. I know that I may cause hardship but I know we can overcome this. I have been a eGerman for a year now. I saw we can overcome much more dire situations. From the 3rd Swedish/ Polish aggression on eGermany last May to the June/ July PTO of our congress. I remember they made minimum wages to 1000 DEMs. We faced much worse that missing tw for a short temporary time. I know we can endure this and that is why I made the decision.

In closing of my defense, I want to state that his policy is good for eGermany on the long term as well as that of our allies. This was not a unilateral decision but with the approval of the UK and Phoenix itself. It was made to safeguard Germany and making an invasion too costly for our rivals. This policy while it might hurt business and new citizens in the short term, it offers so much more benefits on the long term (no need of Polish or foreign licenses [20 gold each] for businesses, and Germans can be eGermans for new citizens). This policy will better our chances with the babyboom efforts. I know we can get through this and I know we can endure this really short term hardship. Do not give up hope. Do not let the naysayers crush your hope and fill your heart with unwarranted pessimism.

In an totally unrelated topic, I want to promote the Media Mogul Program. It is a great opportunity for people to get their MM medals. It does cost you 5 gold in which the money goes to your national bank, Bundesbank if you are an eGerman. If you are interested shoot me a PM or look for me on the IRC. Please go here Media Mogul program. and read more about the program and subscribe to all of the following newspapers in it.

I know this is an extremely long article, I want to thank you for braving through it. I hope you understand the reasoning behind this. Most important I want to make sure you know that I am not against. The government is not against you. In the long term things will improve and our society will be prosperous again.

Many thanks and I wish you well.

Konrad Neumann
eGerman President.

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