[OPPOSITION] Review number 2

Day 2,919, 02:44 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Neil Lewis
Review by the Official Opposition

Time for another review of the CP/Government antics, eh?

it's a lonely job in Opposition, but someone's gotta do it

So that Finance Bill I warned you about in my previous review was accepted in principle; i.e. not with a big enough majority to remain unamended. Various amendments have been accepted, including removing the clause that enshrines a 6% Work Tax! Once they've been typed into the Bill, it can be fully ratified by yet another Congress vote!

In the meantime, Addaway, the current CP in case you've forgotten, has proposed a Work Tax rate of 6%. Why he didn't do this in the first place, without trying to bring it in via the back-door, I guess we'll never know. So far there's been bugger all discussion, at least in the PM thread I'm privvy to, so who knows how Congress will vote on this!

In other news, peace was declared between eUK & eFrance!!!

Much to the annoyance of some eUK Tanks, and despite a diplomatic faux pas by the froggies in auto-attacking East of England, instead of South West of England per the Training War part of the Peace Agreement. We repelled this attack and also RW'd South East of England yesterday, so the eUK's intact again ... for now!

Oh, and remember someone mentioned Pluto about a week ago?

take your pick, but I'm referring to an alliance

It's all gone very quiet & Congress is being left in the dark ... again.

I'm still watching you, Addaway: