{Official eROC MoFA News Update, Vol. 0} 外交部報紙,創刊號。我們的目標。

Day 1,782, 18:43 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by Yanagihung

Dear friends, old and new, greetings! This is Yanagihung, the new MoFA of eROC.

As a new government cabinet member, we’d like to change things up a bit, and I am here to introduce you to what would be our agenda and goals for the upcoming month.

1. Having a better international relationship with our allies in EDEN

As we have currently entered EDEN, and helped our allies defend themselves against their enemies, they have also helped us out when we are in need. However, this is not enough. We would like to play a more important role in the community internationally and let more people know who we are. Thus for, we would like to propose a plan that allows us to exchange our culture and situations with our allies. We are hoping to start our exchange with Italy first, where we would work with the ministry of Education and Department of Media Affairs to bring both our citizen the best cultural exchange experience we can.

2. Working with the Department of Media Affairs/Foreign News Department

We are very proud to have the head of the Department of Media Affairs, Silence Assassin to help us in translating newspapers from our EDEN allies. Through the publication and translation of foreign newspapers, we will be able to help inform our citizens the most up to date and accurate international news. We are very excited about what it could help our community understand.

3. Joint Military Efforts

While we defend our own battle fields in our country, we would also like to help our allies in EDEN with their battlefields as well. It would help both benefit our allies and also bring our names out in the open more. This would be a good way to show our gratitude towards who have helped us in the past.

These are the three main points we would like to focus on this month as MoFA. In the future, we would like to have more cultural exchange with more countries, and broaden our horizons not only as a country, but also for our people. Please keep a close watch as we will continue to bring you more news and updates on a regular basis.

Hail eROC!
Hail EDEN, Allies, and brotherhood!! o7

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1. 與EDEN各國做好邦交

在最近我們已經正式的加入了EDEN這一個組織,而我們也有成功的幫助EDEN裡的盟友抵抗過外敵;但是這並不足夠,想要在國際上刷更多的存在感就需要讓更多的國家了解我們的文化和真實情況。所以接下來我們希望能先與同樣是EDEN裡的國家: ITALY義大利,展開深入且對兩國有利的文化交流;而且我們將會連同外電新聞組及教育部聯合展開與義大利的文化交流,請大家拭目以待!

2. 與新聞部外電組合作

在此我們很榮幸的得到新聞部部長silence assassin的協助,我們將會與外電新聞組合作,藉此翻譯比較多的EDEN邦國的新聞;希望能讓更多的國民對國際事務更為了解及明白現在的國際情勢,以及讓國民了解我們在國際上的聲望。

3. 軍事上的交流



Hail eROC!!
Hail EDEN, allies, and brotherhood!! o7
