~Naughty, Naughty PEACE~

Day 391, 14:28 Published in USA USA by Benn Dover

A four-pronged attack, consisting of Spain v Italy, Canada v France, UK v France, and now the US v France, has opened. We are attacking Center this time, a region that borders Paris >🙂
Soldiers - remember to follow orders. If you have not received orders yet, then wait for your squad leader to sign on and send them to you. ECHOs have been sent.
If you want weapons, PM Gates Schellinger. You should be receiving Q1s - Q3s depending on which military scene you hail from.
I quote my good friend Misho of Sweden:
"If you don't have to have a weapon, fight with your bare knuckles or use the spank bat above. It's important that every citizens fight a couple of times each day. Fight until your wellness is down to like 50%, then visit the nurses at the hospital and receive Free Wellness."
Sure, Sweden has some pretty fine nurses, but the guys from over here aren't that bad, right?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PEACE thinks that our country, no, our alliance is weak. Let's show them that we are not. Fight in this battle, fight in this on-going war. Every move that I make, along with the help of my Secretary/Under-Secretaries of State, Generals, William Shafer, and VP Justinious, are made to only benefit our country and our alliance.
They need a good spanking, as Misho put.
Atlantis is fed up with the not-so-peaceful members of PEACE. We need to teach them a lesson, what better way than a long, red, session of spanking?
Atlantis is too powerful to stand for such aggression and arrogance as displayed by PEACE. Though their organization tactics are cute, they are nothing in comparison to the brute force of Atlantis. Four countries vs. Six and we STILL manage to take out their land; correct me if I'm wrong, but that's some nice pwnage.
PEACE, you may be cute, you may even have a very very nice behind, but we will still beat you down like the women you are til your bottoms are red.

As it is, Spain is involved in two different regions: One French and one Italian. They are being dominated and dominating, respectively.
Sweden seems to be winning their war as well. It is nice to see a come-from-behind victory every once in awhile, but I
am not one to speak too soon.
The UK has stopped attacking Picardy (I know, surprised me too) and is now holding off the frogs in Champagne-Ardenne.
Canada's back! And attacking pays-de-la-loire again. Although they are not winning, the battle is far from over.
Keep your hopes as high as your wellness and your pride, America. We are going to be successful this war.