[MoS] November Survey

Day 2,178, 13:51 Published in Ireland Ireland by MrConway

Minister of Community, Office of Census and Statistics

Welcome back to the Ministry of Statistics.

This month working alongside me I will have Moomoohead. He is a long time serving member of the Irish community, who is one of the many Irish players who've made a name for themselves abroad and I am delighted to have him working alongside me in this Department.

Because real life commitments, I found myself unable to perform my duty last month. However, this month is a different story and I am happy to present to you the first survey of the month.

I have taken on board concerns raised with previous surveys. If you do not wish to answer a question (exception being citizen name and link), you do not have to. There is also no personal questions asked. This survey is all about you and your eRepublik life.

Gold Prizes

Due to the Communities great love of Stilpo's surveys, I aim to try and bring as much of his concepts into this Department. So, in order to encourage maximum participation I am offering the chance to win gold prizes to those who complete this survey. Although former citizens who consider themselves to be an active part of the eIrish community are welcome to take the poll, only current Irish citizens are eligible to be entered into the raffle. This survey, we are giving away a total of 10 gold!

2 randomly-chosen people: 3 gold each.
4 people randomly-chosen people: 1 gold each.



In order to help prevent fraud and abuse, I require that all survey-takers provide a link to their eRepublik profile. Because I can personally see how you responded to specific questions if I really wanted to, this means that responses to this survey are not technically anonymous. I do, however, guarantee that such identifying information will never be seen by anybody but myself. I will never publicize or share anybody’s participation in this survey, much less their answers to specific questions. If I enlist someone’s help in analyzing data, they will only ever see data that has been purged of personally-identifying information. Thus, it is my hope that survey-takers feel comfortable in the knowledge that they will never be harassed regarding their participation in this survey, and that their answers will never be used against them politically.

Thank you for in advance for taking this survey!

Minister of Community, Census and Statistics
