[MoFA] Kanto - eRoC

Day 1,819, 00:34 Published in Japan Denmark by Oraizan

I’ll admit, I’m surprised we’re free. There are so many factors that contributed to us being back on the map too. I was awake for the whole RW, so I’m pretty tired. I apologize for this being short.

Koppanyi planned this RW well in advance, so of course all of us pushed for as much support as possible. We needed help, that goes without saying. But in the end, everybody was with us.

Countries from varying alliances tanked and kept an eye on the battle. Our IRC was alive with energy. Soon after, eRoC took us off their campaign of the day.

You can say, eRoC gave us a chance. Whether they planned it for their own benefit, or to be nice, I cannot say. But they have done a good thing for us, and allowed us an easy victory. Their mercy should not be forgotten.

Thus, we should take a moment to thank all our Allies.
Thus, we should take a moment to thank eRoC.

Today we have all seen a kindness that doesn’t happen often. We should be very happy that eROC and Caesar Wang wants us to have a little happiness and we will treasure this benevolent act of eROC.

We cannot know what tomorrow brings, but enjoy in this happiness while it lasts, and all that comes with it. We could not have done this without everybodies help.

I'd like to quote my old friend Darshu: "Neighboring countries are like siblings to us. A brother will always be your brother no matter what he does. So will our neighbors be always our neighbors. Thus we should treat them like our siblings."

Thanks everybody!

May there be peace in our time,
Ten Thousand Years, o7
~ Oraizan
eJapan MoFA