[MoFA] Gracias/Thanks! [ES/EN]

Day 2,642, 10:28 Published in Argentina Brazil by MoFA eArgentina

Hola a todos! queremos agradecerles todo su apoyo

Desde que se reinició la guerra con Chile hemos estado peleando y perdiendo cada batalla, pero hoy algo cambió

Hoy, gracias a ustedes, Hermanos, Aliados, Amigos, Viejos amigos y ciudadanos cercanos a nosotros decidieron pelear y ayudarnos en este momento difícil

Esta no es solo la victoria de Argentina, esta es toda su VICTORIA y la nuestra porque hemos luchado como uno solo.

English below

Hello to everyone! We want to thanks to all of you.

Since the war has re-started with Chile we have been fighting and losing every battle but today it changed

Today, because of you, Brothers, Allies, friends and old friends and citizens that are close to us decided to fight and help us through this moment.

This is not Argentina’s victory, this is all YOURS and OUR victory because we fought as one

Hail Allies
Hail Friends
Hail Brothers

We will never forget what you have done for us

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