[MoFA] About the "peace agreement" with Turkey

Day 1,302, 03:29 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by Ministry of Foreign Affairs BG

Hello, dear allies.

Many of you are wondering what is happening in Bulgaria in the past days, so I’ll try to explain you just in few rows, cause actually it isn’t a big deal. Only in one week we had two impeached Presidents and of course, that made big influence on our internal and foreign relations. We had little problems inside and outside our country, but I can assure you that now the mood in eBulgaria is very good. The current President Sturmmann has many internal rivals, the top-parties in the Congress are almost every time separated on important issues, but we have bigger and more important goal in this game. Our goal is to see Bulgaria and its allies to do their best for the win. No matter of the personal conflicts the Bulgarian leaders are absolutely united in the current moment. We want to see our alliance to do whatever is possible for the win, so we will continue to work in that way.

Peace with Turkey?! No way…

Dear friends, many of you, felt like the mate in this article http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/a-few-words-for-the-bulgarian-president-from-ukraine-with-love--1796083/1/20 . I want to assure you that peace agreement was never accepted by the Bulgarian Congress. There isn’t deal that can be accepted or rejected without decision, made by our Parliament. So, before writing such articles, please contact some of the government or find congressman and get more information about the issue. As you see, Bulgaria and all allies are fighting hard against Turkey and we will continue to do it. I want to salute our friends from Ukraine, Russia and Belarus (unfortunately ABC is deleting them again) who are back on the map, exactly cause that war continues.

At the end, I want to remind you that we need just a little more push here http://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield/7310

Hail True Friendship!

Здравейте, еБългари.

Тази статия е насочена предимно към нашите приятели и съюзници и за това не смятам да я превеждам дословно, тъй като мнозина от вас сте запознати с написното. Тя цели да внесе ясното в казуса “Мир с Турция”, тъй като получих редица запитвания около тази сага. Искам да поздравя Дипломатическия Корпус, за работата през изминалата седмица и смятам, че започнахме много добре съвместната ни работа. Разбира се, за мнозина от вас тя остава скрита, по простата причина, че не излиза в медийното пространство, тъй като мястото й не е там. Сред посланиците се осъществиха няколко вътрешни промени, които доведоха да отваряне на нови свободни места. Ще използвам възможността да обявя прием на посланици в пет екзотични страни:

- Аржентина
- Индонезия
- Уругвай
- Япония
- Естония

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