[MoF]End of term jan '14

Day 2,276, 16:10 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Ministerie van Economische Zak

After having read this earlier article you all have quite a good understanding on how our finances work. You will also recognize these tables presenting the spend from the past and last term.

I had the intention to try add earlier intel as well as Garmr stated the high spending pointed to were on par with earlier expenses and pointed me to the registrations of that time. I haven’t had the time though as all available time left after posting the earlier mentioned article and the introduction of this program was spend on finally create an option in which we could have a working commune system as can be found here. Bear in mind it still has to be agreed on by congress and work has to be done to get it in place as are people needed to make it work.

Also I like to point everybody to the explanation of our day to day finance reporting as can be found here. Since about 18 months now all expectations are reported on a weekly bases. Realization of income and expenses is reported on an even higher frequency so everybody is able to see the status of our budget, expectations and realizations whenever they like.

That leaves one issue;
The Monetary Market
Last month we again had a period where gold dropped below 200 and I was able to make good use of it again as can be seen in this graph;

Ministery of Finance

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