[MoD] HIYA and Orders - Day 2514

Day 2,513, 10:47 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ministry of Defence

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Ministry of Defence October 2014

Minister of DefenceCptChazbeard

1980s pop impresario Chaz is continuing on from last month after silencing his critics by correctly copying and pasting 44.8% of battle links; going above and beyond what anyone could have expected of him.

Depudee Minister of Defencegali2332

Congressman Gali from the Planet UKRP is making his cabinet debut and is looking to gain valuable experience in the MoD working alongside Chaz. Our prayers and thoughts are with young gali.

To ensure that he receives a wide ranging experience please ensure that all criticisms, complaints and photos of male gentalia are sent directly to him.

Our aims and aspirations:
Communication...so on with the orders...

Prio 1: For Ukrain in Great Northern Plains

Prio 2: For Bulgaria in Taurida

Mobile Prio: For Austria in Styria

-Ukraine are offering supplies in #grupturko
-COs are being offered in both Ukrainian battles at present. As allies I'm sure that is of no interest at all to our troops.

We have linked up with the Hotfuz Times to promote their 'Wars Around the World' series! Check it out, subscribe and vote the articles which are excellent and informative.

Fight smart

Damage done in a battle that doesn't need it, is damage thrown away. If it is not needed there, fighting there only serves to waste your time and supplies. Try to fight in one of our priority battles which has the damage under 55%. Use your intelligence - if we have three priorities open, fight in the highest priority where your damage is needed.

Keep up to date and the IRC

Orders are updated regularly on the #MoD channel on Rizon IRC and in this newspaper.

Just check the channel topic in #MoD to see what our orders are.

Direct Link to #MoD on the Rizon IRC channel: http://tinyurl.com/MODwarRoom
or copy & paste the url: http://client01.chat.mibbit.com/?server=rizon.mibbit.org&channel=%23mod

eUK Military Alliance - http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/euk-military-alliance-2413484/1/20

eUK Forum(s)

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Your Ministry of Defence Team

Ministers: Chaz and gali2332