[國防部] 平民軍令 [MoD] Civilian Orders (Day 1114)

Day 1,114, 17:50 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by EROC MOD

(English version below)


http://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield/2604 (艾爾蘭西南部)

請量力而為 否則將容易導致死亡

09-13 DEC 2010 本人出門, 由參謀總長暫時代理國防部長職務.

參謀總長Kirk.Xu因RL事故辭職, 我委任BillWilson成為以下職位:
* 中華民國參謀總長
* 中華民國陸軍指揮官(軍階: 上將)

委任aibocow成為陸軍軍官學校指揮官(軍階: 上將), Sadanaga為陸軍軍官學校副指揮官(軍階: 少將)


Ministry of Defense Civilian Orders for Day 1114

We have an active MPP with the United States of America, which means citizens of the Republic of China may elect to participate in battles associated with USA in addition to their daily strength training in order to be promoted (in military rank).

http://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield/2604 (Southeast Ireland)

A Word of Caution:
Before participating in battles please ensure that you have enough currency and bread in your inventory.
Send out appropriate damage levels appropriate to your individual citizen's situation, or else randomly fighting without proper health replenishment may cause lethal results.

I will be out of town between 09-13 DEC 2010. During this time the Chief of Staff shall be Acting Minister of Defense.

Chief of Staff Kirk.Xu has resigned due to personal matters. I hereby appoint BillWilson to the following positions:
* ROC Chief of Staff
* ROC Army Commanding General (Rank: General)

I hereby appoint aibocow as the ROC Military Academy Commanding General (Rank: General) and Sadanaga as the ROC Military Academy Executive Officer (Rank: Major General)

Personnel changes take effect immediately without further notice.

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Jameson L. Tai
Minister of Defense and Director of National Intelligence