[MOB] Heb ik iets gemist? | Did I missed anything?

Day 1,669, 08:24 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by ElGorro

[English Version Below]

De huidige regering is nu 10 dagen aan het werk (wat een derde is van de hele term). Dus het is nu wel tijd, om eens te kijken wat er gedaan is in die tijd. Ik ben zelf afgelopen week weinig online geweest, dus als ik iets gemist heb, hoor ik het graag!

Quote: "I have deduced from my census (in which almost 25% of our total population responded) that there is still much room to improve on the process of transparency. Government communication will not include repetitive nonsense (indicating ministers actually did not do anything), and adding an explanation for certain decisions. Articles will be written, and citizens will be individually informed through personal messages."
Bron: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-garmr-domestic-and-foreign-affairs-2051748/1/20

Heb ik alle artikelen gemist? Ik heb alleen een mooie tutorial gezien van onze Ministerie van Defensie. (goed gedaan!)

Quote: "I will personally start recruitment on June 9, during our RL meeting in Utrecht. I will also make an attempt to restart our sticker program in coordination with ChristiaanB94. The ministry itself will mainly focus on finding and contacting newer citizens, and providing them with the information they need. Short guides will be written on specific subjects, so it will be easy to find the information one needs."
Bron: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-garmr-domestic-and-foreign-affairs-2051748/1/20

Is dit nog gelukt? Ik heb een update hiervan gemist in een artikel of in het topic op het forum (http://tinyurl.com/ce9x8x3).

Quote: "The ministry will bring a weekly report to the population on the changes on global level and the probable effects this will have on our country. "
Bron: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-garmr-domestic-and-foreign-affairs-2051748/1/20

Waar kan ik dit rapport vinden?

Quote: "Sadly, it appears that the plague has struck once again and stole our provinces. During an excellent offensive, our current cabinet regained Southern Netherlands on Hungary. What is left is a pink cloud in our other provinces. It is unintelligent to try and plan things on our own against this much larger adversary. I will see which opportunities shall come on my path and shun neither the diplomatic or military approach."
Bron: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-garmr-presidency-preparation-program-2044017/1/20

Zijn er nog opties geweest? En verwachten we nog wat op korte termijn?

En nog een paar andere puntjes die me opvielen:

Topic op #eNL-MoFA: 'Welcome to the Office of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, come in and make yourself comfortable. | CP is ElGorro | VCP is Mattio | MoFA is van_Spijck | dMoFA's arcadic mindje and yusuf2 | Country Channels http://tinyurl.com/6ackjhk | Ambassadors have hop'

Misschien wordt het tijd, om deze eens aan te passen.

De spreadsheet van het Ministeris van Financiën is niet up-to-date: http://tinyurl.com/crmhu9p

Aangezien er geen Minister van Educatie en Cultuur is aangesteld, zijn er nu mensen die nog steeds wachten op hun Forum Regristratie Bonus (http://tinyurl.com/bwhe48o). Ik heb de regering al gevraagd, wie de taken van het MoEC overneemt: http://tinyurl.com/crgbm4z .

Garmr heeft een Alliance met de Portugezen voorgesteld, maar vervolgens zelf niet gestemd. De Portugezen hebben allemaal voorgestemd, maar door het niet stemmen van onze President, ging de Alliance toch niet door. Dit lijkt me sowieso niet handig voor de internationale betrekkingen.

Edit: Zojuist van Garmr begrepen, dat dit inmiddels met Portugal is besproken en er geen problemen zijn.

I hope this is a motivation for the government, to keep the citizens more up-to-date.

The current government is now 10 days on the job (thats a third of the whole term), so it's time to see what they have been doing. I wasn't around last week, so if I missed something please let me know!

Quote: "I have deduced from my census (in which almost 25% of our total population responded) that there is still much room to improve on the process of transparency. Government communication will not include repetitive nonsense (indicating ministers actually did not do anything), and adding an explanation for certain decisions. Articles will be written, and citizens will be individually informed through personal messages."
Source: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-garmr-domestic-and-foreign-affairs-2051748/1/20

Did I miss all the articles? I only have seen an nice new tutorial from our Ministry of Defense. (well done guys!)

Quote: "I will personally start recruitment on June 9, during our RL meeting in Utrecht. I will also make an attempt to restart our sticker program in coordination with ChristiaanB94. The ministry itself will mainly focus on finding and contacting newer citizens, and providing them with the information they need. Short guides will be written on specific subjects, so it will be easy to find the information one needs."
Source: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-garmr-domestic-and-foreign-affairs-2051748/1/20

How did that worked out? I missed an update on it in an article or in the topic on our forum (http://tinyurl.com/ce9x8x3)

Quote: "The ministry will bring a weekly report to the population on the changes on global level and the probable effects this will have on our country. "
Source: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-garmr-domestic-and-foreign-affairs-2051748/1/20

Where can I find the weekly report?

Quote: "Sadly, it appears that the plague has struck once again and stole our provinces. During an excellent offensive, our current cabinet regained Southern Netherlands on Hungary. What is left is a pink cloud in our other provinces. It is unintelligent to try and plan things on our own against this much larger adversary. I will see which opportunities shall come on my path and shun neither the diplomatic or military approach."
Source: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-garmr-presidency-preparation-program-2044017/1/20

No opportunities last week? Do we expect opportunities soon?

And some other points I notice😛

Topic on #eNL-MoFA: 'Welcome to the Office of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, come in and make yourself comfortable. | CP is ElGorro | VCP is Mattio | MoFA is van_Spijck | dMoFA's arcadic mindje and yusuf2 | Country Channels http://tinyurl.com/6ackjhk | Ambassadors have hop'

Maybe it's time to change it?

The spreadsheet of the Ministry of Finance is not up to date: http://tinyurl.com/crmhu9p

As there is no Ministry of Education & Culture, people are still waiting for their Forum Regristration Bonus (http://tinyurl.com/bwhe48o). I asked our government, who's taking the tasks of the MoEC here: http://tinyurl.com/crgbm4z.

Garmr proposed an Alliance with Portugal, but did not vote on it. Portugal voted yes, but the Alliance was rejected because our President did not vote. Don't think this is good for our the international relations.

Edit: Garmr just told me, it has been discussed with Portugal, and there is no problem.

I hope this is a motivation for the government, to keep the citizens more up-to-date.