[#mercenoobs] Even newbies can change the world!

Day 1,504, 04:47 Published in China Bosnia and Herzegovina by Fanaxidiel

Tonight, instead of sleeping, as always (sleeping is RL - Rank Losing), I was analyzing some in-game-problems that soldiers made me notice:

1) It's very difficult to rank up for an in-game-young fighter: when you fulfill daily order you get energy bar + bazooka, but you can't put aside your bazooka, and you have to use it immediately. Bad choice, admins!
2) Bazooka are a good way for young players to change the course of a battle, and they should use these powerful weapons more for helping their country and its allies than to catch BH fighting against me (-.-) with wall on 80% overkill.
3) To fulfill daily orders new players need weapons, and no governement can provide them without great loss of inf (weapons would be better to be given to a tank to win a battle).

These ingredients made me cook the cake: #mercenoobs

Rules for #mercenoobs are simple:
Supplier gives weapons in exchange of bazookas.

Every Bazooka is gonna make 30k damage (3 shots).
To obtain the same damage with a q5 weapon the supplier would need to hire a 6k q5hit soldier, which is not so easy to find.
At the same time the soldier who is shooting his bazooka will get free weapons for using bazooka on the battlefield that the supplier says, and he will rank much more, because after using bazookas, he still has weapons to use to increase his damage and maybe accomplish another daily order..

What the consequences if #mercenoobs grows?
- Skilled players will have maybe more possibilities to get BH, but less to be hired as mercenaries, because hiring a new player would maybe cost less and give more influence in the battle.
- Real and active new players will grow more easily and more quickly than the fake ones.

Is it bad? If you don't think it's bad, please, take a tour!


Thx to Benito_Camelas that translated the article in Spanish!