Day 2,268, 17:20 Published in Canada Canada by Cypher Rahl
With the election this close and me obviously coming 4th.....lol

I ask anyone currently undecided or who had plans to support me to throw your vote to RYLDE....... At the end of the day If i had to choose between the two i have got to go with the Experience of Rylde!


Today there will be no pictures to attract the votes to my article and instead words only. The days of true media moguls are long gone with very few real writers left anymore....

eCanada is a playground of factions, groups of players who harbor great interests on some very deeply rooted theories and ideals. This is a great thing when it comes to a congressional level as it allows the whole nation to have a voice, each and every side gets to have input on how things go. This however i feel has been and will continue to be a failing point when it comes to the CP position...

When we elect a CP the common results are that the largest faction tends to dictate the outcome as we have see in the past. Parties like the DAL, CPF, MDP, MOO, CPP, CSD and the list could very well go on, ultimately influences and controls the CP chair. Whoever "represents" the ideals the greatest gets the nod, or as some see it whoever is willing to be the best puppet gets the nod...

Rylde is by far the most experienced runner in this election, however he is also the most unpredictable choice as CP. He is a proven an asset as a member of the executives "cabinet" and reliable in that fashion, with the time, energy and ability to supply and co ordinate in key battles during war times. He is a man that can lead a fighting nation into battle with great success. But again the key however comes into play... He is hot headed and tempermentel! He lacks the tact that someone like thesmoke might be able to bring to the table. there is no questioning the strong ties he has with certain international communities but can he over come his blunt to the point style behavior to help us forge new bonds with other nations?

Thesmoke is the poster child this month for eCanada's largest faction the CPF. Where the CPF might have the largest single following they are still a minority when compared directly to the sum of the rest of eCanada's factions. His youth is something that could come into play. We have seen many younger CP's in the past who buckle under the pressure and vanish from the game... IBB is one example of many in the past. He does however have the tact, the innovative ideas that could help move eCanada forward into a peaceful time. However i feel he lacks what Rylde haws to offer to eCanada during our occupation.

So what do I have to offer... The best of both worlds! The age and experience of a Rylde, mixed with the tact and forward thinking of thesmoke.

"The wild card is Cypher Rahl. He can do very well, especially if the votes come in early. Although most of his support comes from TMS, he has enough popularity in other parties to draw equally from both Rylde's and TheSmokes potential base. Depending on the final pitches we see today and how seriously the three main candidates approach tomorrow, surprise potential exists." -- Alias Vision "http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/fp-results-13-point-lead-on-eve-of-election-2370197/1/20"

I have been around since V1. I have history and ties with members of each and everyone of eCanada's Top5 parties. I respect and understand the ideals of those in this factioned country. I plan on leading this country forward under the banner of a united idea and not that of any one set of ideals! As i have alreeady stated, i have no personal grand plan, but instead a plan to draw on every voice in congress to craft a unified plan that the whole country can get behind. A blend of military and foreign affairs, a means to a greater end, a way to free us and move us forward to a better future!

Rylde and thesmoke i am offering you both public offers of direct involvement(co VP's if you really need a title) in crafting this country's future over the next month. To congress you will be my cabinet and you will directly appoint my minsters. This is a chance for our country to set The New Standard in how this great nation operates!

eCanada my future, your future and our future is in the hands of each and every last one of you. Voting {ME4CP] is just like voting [U4CP], choose to support your ideals by voting for me! Unite the factions that have torn this great nation apart!

Yours truly,

Cypher Rahl

P.S. The grammar may suck but i think the spelling is good 🙂