[MDP] Rudderless Regrets and Momentum Is The Key

Day 2,251, 12:21 Published in Canada Canada by Muglack

Well it's been 2 days since the election and some RL events have come up that slowed my implementation of plans but I'm pushing through and hoping to get things going by the start of next week.

First I'd like to thank the members of the MDP for doing what they were told and voting for me in the election. Our party's is a hard target for shenanigans because our members are informed and reliable on election day. This has always been a strength of the MDP and it's one of the core supports that the rest of the party is built on.

This leads me to my first admonishment of the month. The current state of affairs in Clan Wolf/Canadian Communist Party is shameful. Where the MDP's core is strong and reliable, we can clearly see the danger parties face that aren't structured the same way. So, while I don't support what Rolo did on a personal level, I also can't label him an enemy of the state as some people wish to do.

When a party has no internal leadership, no mechanism to choose it's next leader, and has been subject to extreme changes in leadership the past two elections those people who are yelling PTO have no real leg to stand on in my opinion. If no one was in control before the first of the three outsiders moved in, then your party was in freefall and open season long before the third person ran and won.

The first step to moving eCanada forward is to strength our internal political scene. Having a system where there's 2 parties (CPF/MDP) and 3 "fillers" in the Top 5 is unacceptable. Luckily in recent weeks and months at least one other party has stepped up and is making it a 3 horse political race, so much kudos to the PFC for that. Will the latest events be the wake up call that Clan Wolf/Canadian Communist Party need? I for one hope so.

Now that I've left this fodder for people to call me a monster in the comments, and attack my intentions I think it's time to move on to the next order of business.

When I wrote my campaign article I said that I wanted to spend the month building bridges and getting people out of their "troll trenches". I look on the fact that people have been workign well together in this war as a huge advantage in this regard, and I'm hoping to build on that little bit of momentum to get some real work done going into the Congress Elections.

At this point I'm looking for people from all of the parties of eCanada large or small, as well as all of the niche groups that feel unrepresented to get in contact with me so that I can start an open dialogue and exchange of ideas so that we can try and lessen the gap between the factions in our country. While others are intent on throwing muck, we will be able to have productive and worthwhile discussions that will hopefully diffuse, or at least reduce the damage caused by the more extreme members of our cliques.

If this sounds like something that you would like to be a part of either send me a PM or make it clear that would like to be included in the comments section of this article and I'll get it going when this article times out of the media.

Now for some internal MDP business.

Congress is looming. I've had one person contact me about running but I'm assuming there's more. If you have an interest in running for Congress I'd urge you to let me know via PM otherwise I'll assume you just clicked "Run for Congress" as a lark and don't actually have any intentions of getting elected and if you do you plan to just collect your gold and go dark for a month. Well let me be the first to tell you, if your intention is to "go dark" after getting a Congress medal from the MDP you are in the wrong party.

I'm also looking for people to take part in the Military Council. I have a few players in mind already, but I'm looking to really fill the ranks this month. If you have ideas or want to get involved at a higher level in the party I invite you to make your intentions clear so that we can all work together to make the party, and by extension the country, better.

That's it for now.

MDP - Ever Forward.