[Max4CP] Economic policy and Cabinet

Day 2,692, 03:26 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Max Blue
Hi all, if you are unaware I'm running for the office of CP in the UK. I have published a general statement, my military plans and now I'm going to publish my economic policy and cabinet.


If I am CP I will issue training ground loans, so players can make the most of upgrading their training grounds when the next admin's offer on these come round. I will also issue training contract loans so people can save money on training by taking the 90% off training contract.

I will also make available Q1 house loans. These will help players that can't afford a Q1 house get one. As you will be aware if you read my newspaper players can earn 63.5 CC extra per week just by having a Q1 house!

Newspaper loans will be available for players that can't afford to start a newspaper. Writing and commenting in the media is a key aspect to improving your activity and knowledge. These loans will help take the UK forward into a more active future.

Tax Policy

The UK is in a very privileged position, we have both a 100% bonus on weapons and food. As a result we have economic tourists that have chosen to bring their companies into this country by changing their citizenships. We also have people that take up work in the UK as we have one of the highest paying job markets in the world.

This is a great opportunity to make these bonuses work for the UK and power investment into the UK citizen base. I intend to offer two new loans as well as expand the offering of the current training based ones. Before WayneKerr reduced the work tax to generate attention, the work tax was at 4% (he reduced it to 1% and congress recently increased it to 3😵. At 4% the UK was bringing in 20,000 CC a day. Currently the UK is bringing in 10,000 CC a day. I intend to raise the work tax (congress willing) to 5%. I will then plough that money collected into investing in the future generation of players. Q1 house loans, newspaper loans and CO on Sunday afternoons will be available to all and will hopefully all add to player retention (along with military action).

We have a great asset - 100% bonuses. We can't let the opportunity to invest in our future as a nation go to waste. While we can drive towards a more powerful future; let's do so. Some people will not like this and complain that the change is adversely effecting them, well I have 53 companies so I will be paying a significant amount more than most. I'm happy to do this though as I love the UK and I'm happy to contribute to a stronger future. Before people say well just donate more money to the treasury. No, we are all in this game together, we should all invest in our nations' success together.

I'm not saying we will bring in anything like Serbia. But 25,000-30,000 would be very healthy.

For reference other nations with 100% bonuses on weapons make the most of them by investing in there future. Serbia (5😵, USA (8😵, Romania (5😵, while Poland has a 4% rate. There is a debate to be had on whether 5% is a little to much but returning to 4% is a must for me. Quite a ballsy move saying I will increase taxes before an election - yes. But I am a man of my word and I will invest in a stronger UK and it is near impossible to make meaningful investments without the resources to do it.


Fataliix has been in the MoFA this month and has done a great job so I see no need to remove him just because he is running for CP against me. 🙂 Ser Fartsalot is my second MoFA, again staying on from this month. His wealth of knowledge and connections can be matched by few.

Deputy: Mo Kushla joins a very experienced team as deputy.


Paul Tyndale is a very active player and he shares much of my vision, I had no doubt when selecting such a capable player for cabinet. WookieO joins Paul as my second MoD, I've worked with WookieO before in cabinet (multiple times if I remember correctly) he is a top character and his ability to be a strong cabinet member is undeniable.

Deputy: Royal Navy heavy weight and experienced military man Neil Lewis will be assisting the smooth running of this Ministry. Alexander Atem will also assist in keeping articles updated and other MoD bizz, he clearly has desire to grow in this field and he is not phased by criticism.


Aaron Mark Daniels remains in the MoHA seat. I like his compilation articles, hopefully he will continue these. He will be given the specific target of entertainment. Mad Pauly steps into the ring as my second MoHA, some of you will have read his articles; he writes informative pieces and this is why I wanted him in the MoHA. He will focus on the education/information side of the MoHA.


Jny123 has stepped up to be MoF. Jny123 is a player I would trust with my own personal currency which was the key decider for me of who to appoint MoF. This role is very important as it involves handing out passwords to orgs/changing passwords and investing currency and distributing currency to Ministries.


Lastly and by no all means least; the Ministry of Canned Goods. I have appointed Snugglepussington control of this Ministry. As leader of the Real Spammicans he has a good deal of experience in this field. I hope he can continue in the legacy of the great Horice providing spam, tuna and corned-beef-hash. I have tasked him with the tricky ask of getting Scots to eat at least 1 fruit or vegetable a day (tinned is surely the only way possible). With his help we can surely aid the Scottish population and drive towards a better future. 🙂 Goodbye to my Scottish vote *waves*.

Max Blue